rough start

so far this deer season has not been kind to me,missed opening day(friday)had to go to a class for work 200 miles from home then drive home and wake up at 2:15 am to be out in the field by sunrise. saw a bunch of scat and some tracks.
sunday morning about 45 mins after sunrise spotted 6 does in some heavy cover worked my way closer to them and watched for about 30 mins didnt see any bucks still hunted the area for another hour or so nothing. glassed for the rest of the morning. ate some lunch and took a power nap,more like a 2hr nap. was heading to hunt a tank that had shown some traffic and spotted 3 deer out of the corner of my eye pulled up about 5-600 yards and pulled over found a nice place to sit on the edge of the tree line 300 yards from where i had spotted them,the deer came in to my field of view at 150 yards.there was one small fork horn in the group,could not have gotten a shot if i wanted to one of the does was very antsy and kept walking back and forth infront of him. they left the area after a little while

wake up today and went a few miles up the road to a spot i had scouted that showed alot of sign it is an out of the way spot on the north end of a lake that requires a bit of walking,get set up and start glassing to my right over on the medow on the other side of the lake nothing to be seen. as a work back to the left there is 5 cow elk coming out of the trees they have not seen me and the wind is playing nice. after a couple minutes 3 of them start crossing the lake they come with in 35-40 yards and turn broadside for 25 yards and disapere into the brush the other 2 hang out for 10 mins or so and start working there way down the shore line to the east i lost them after a couple more mins,was wishing i had a cow tag

now the bad part...i had to go 10 miles down the highway to the gas station/mini cabelas,this place has everything you could want,and they dont make you pay that much more than a store that is not in the middle of nowhere. needed a pepsi and some reeses (dont tell my wife),also needed to fill the propane tank for the cabover and get another loaf of bread smashed the one i had. when i pull in to get my stuff i heard a bunch of brake niose i stick my head under the truck and the left front rotor is trashed the brakes went metal to metal and the rotor is worn down to the fins..i didnt hear a thing on the forrest roads the bed of my truck makes a bunch of noise and must have covered it up ,went back to camp loaded up everything stoped by autozone picked up 2 rotors and a set of brake pads going to do that in the morning,go to work half a day and head back out to finish my hunt wed. my hunt ends sunday i should have enough time to salvage something
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At least it can only get better right? I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope things will work out for ya!