
so has anyone heard of any monster elk runnihn around this year?
You mean spider bull 2 the second coming of the spider lol

Nothing yet, but if there is a monster out there someone has probably already forked over big money for him.
i hear some talk about a bull called " chubs" or "chubby" ??? maybe one the dutton or boulder?? i'm not sure, i'm trying to peice very vague [sp??] info together. anyone else ever heard of the bull?
Not 100% sure, but just passing info... A guy on forum said he heard of a toad on the Pahvant... Said he seen Mossback guys all over the place and supposedly there is like 10 guides camped on him?? I could be completely wrong..
The Ox
"TheGreatwhitehunter" wrote:You mean spider bull 2 the second coming of the spider lol

Nothing yet, but if there is a monster out there someone has probably already forked over big money for him.
yea just a monster maybe not spidy 2 dont know if that will happen but i just mean somethin that the gov tag holder will be after...(ie mossback)
yep that chubby bull was 430 last year and they arrowed him on the arch hunt but didnt kill him!! everyone thought he was dead until they found his huge sheds this year! he should be big again this year but you never know how 20" of shaft will do to his horns!
"BowAddict" wrote:yep that chubby bull was 430 last year and they arrowed him on the arch hunt but didnt kill him!! everyone thought he was dead until they found his huge sheds this year! he should be big again this year but you never know how 20" of shaft will do to his horns!
is there any pics of him? 430, thats huge! is he typical, non-typical?
So BowAddict, that avatar of yours is throwing me all off making me think your Brett. Same picture, his is just cropped. No big deal to me, i just wanted to say thanks for confusing me just a little bit more....
I have heard of chubby too but its like Killer said very vague. I've also seen and heard more about that toad of a bull that I posted pics up of with the split right G-2. He is huge!!!
hahahaha sorry ill change it. ya he is a typical and doyal moss wont let them post the sheds!! well if you want to see chubby, go to this sweet web site, and watch the main slide show. wait for the picture of three bulls together and then on the right is chubby himself! :not-worthy :not-worthy and make sure you look at the right three bulls and the left one is also a pig to
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Chubby was spotted, which is the reason why mossback is on the Pahvant. Chubby might go 375 this year. Lucky for me I know where he ruts. Sooooooooo.......... I will check him out and verify for myself. But I do believe the reduction in his horn size cuz a wound will definitely screw things up which is what we were worrying about and why we never really put any weight on chubby for this year. Oh well, the pic of his sheds got me going anyways. If I agree that chubby will be a 375 bull and noone else finds him maybe we can see him even bigger next year.

Here's to hoping
thats great that he lived after being hit! but to bad on that big reduction in horn grown.
good luck on your hunt this year and ::wel
stinkystumper, have you seen chubs?
"iliveinthewoods" wrote:stinkystumper, have you seen chubs?
Only in pictures and his dreams. LOL

Chubby is dwelling on a different unit than the one stinky has a tag for.
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Rumor is the word for sure. I was told Chubby was over 440 this year. Glad I didn't waste the gas to go up there.
Chubby is biggggg.Im sure if he was only 375 Doyle wouldnt be there looking for him.I just hope somebody other than him or somebody he is guiding kills him :thumb
Great point big R! i havent thought about that!
"BIG R" wrote:Chubby is biggggg.Im sure if he was only 375 Doyle wouldnt be there looking for him.I just hope somebody other than him or somebody he is guiding kills him :thumb
They found him, and have since moved on to bigger/better bulls for the Governor tag holder. 99.99% of people holding an elk tag for Utah this year would be ecstatic to shoot a bull the 'only' goes 375, but the holder of the Governors tag is that .01%.
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Man talk about something being Great a 375 class bull is a small bull, LOL
The new level is over 400" even if most guys can't even draw a tag. I like them anyway I can get them small or large bulls are good period.
YEP,Its that .01% that has more money than brains and cant do it for themselves ad has to go out and hire somebody like Doyle :>/
375 is a big bull for sure,but 375 doesnt get him much of that trophy fee that he charges.If guides were all about the hunting aspect of things they wouldnt charge a trophy fee,but no they are to greedy :>/
"BIG R" wrote:375 is a big bull for sure,but 375 doesnt get him much of that trophy fee that he charges.If guides were all about the hunting aspect of things they wouldnt charge a trophy fee,but no they are to greedy :>/
A couple of things: 1)The guy who bought the Governors tag for 6 figures didn't buy it to shoot a 375 bull, he could have bought a tag for 90% of the LE units in Utah and be able to kill a 375 class bull, and it would be a whole lot less money. 2)While I do NOT condone, nor do I charge, trophy fees, Mossback charges for them due to a couple of hunters they had in the past that passed on 375 class bulls and finally connected on 400 class bulls only to give less than a $100.00 tip to be split by two guides. Let me repeat, I do NOT condone, nor do I charge, trophy fees. 3)I have been guiding for 20+ years, and I have met hundreds of guides during this time, and I can count on one hand the number of guides that make what most people consider good money. When I add up the number of hours I put into guiding a hunter, scouting for the hunt, wear and tear on my vehicles/equipment, gas, I make less than $10.00 an hour on a given hunt. If that is being greedy consider me guilty as hell. (???) I could make more money being a night manager at Wendy's and it would be a whole easier and would allow me to spend more time at home with the wife and kids. I know dozens of guides very well, and not one guides out of greed.
Of the guided hunts that I've been on I've never had to discuss trophy fees. the people that took me around had to be doing it because it's what they love to do. There is no way that you could pay me to do it. After hearing some of the horror stories that these people go through to get a client that isn't prepared or that can't make the shots that they claim to be able to make it's a wonder that there any guides left to take people out. I think that it's a case of a few bad apples giving the rest a bad rep.
Only 2 guides have to split the tip.The few times Ive seen him guiding it looks like a circus act.what about the 10 other scouters and camera guys they do it for free.I guided for 14 years also.When I started I was charging 100.00 a day and the last 5 years I went to tip only and still paid for my gas & time.
You must not do much scouting and/or live real close to the areas you guide in. I live 4+ hours away from the main areas I guide in, it costs me $200+ just in gas for a 3 day scouting trip. If I only charged $100.00 a day for a 5 day hunt I would be losing money, yes I know expecting to make a living is "greedy". :-$ Add in wear and tear on my truck/atv/optics/boots/etc and charging $100/day would mean a 'good' guide who is expected to get the hunter an above average bull/buck/ram for the area he is hunting in is paying to guide instead of being paid to guide. An outfitter also has to pay for land use permits, insurance/bonds, taxes. I know very few 'rich' outfitters that obtained their 'wealth' from guiding, in fact I don't know of any. Mossback makes most of their profits from video sales and merchandise sales, NOT from guide services.

As for the number of guides/spotters Mossback employees for a given hunter, when I worked there I had more than a spotter with me all of ONE day. The Governors tag holder will obviously get more than a guide and a spotter. Over-stating how many guides/spotters a hunter has is silly, why do it?

I love to spend time in the field, guiding allows me to spend more time in the field than not guiding would. I also enjoy meeting new people and making great friends with many of the hunters I guide. stinkystomper has already become a great friend of mine and his hunt is a month and a half away. I am probably as excited as he is for his upcoming hunt. :thumb
Its your story tell it however it sounds best to you,for a guy that has nothing to do with them you sure seem to know EVERYTHING about them,any way you tell it your tied in with these crews that have turne hunting on public land in your state into a money game,where the common man is pushed out of an area by the babysitters who keep an eye on the trophys that everyone should have a chance to hunt.Its a joke,its ruining hunting and you are part of the problem,no amount of your reasoning or defending these tactics will change that. :>/
Please stay on topic and stop the personal attacks.
This convo has definitely gotten interesting about the ethics about guided and non guided hunts. About the money making aspect of it... You can't complain cuz 90% of the hunters would love to be guides. Be able to spend a ton of time in the mountains. As for wear and tear on vehicles and such. You choose that career path. Don't complain about it. I would love to be a guide instead of spending my own money hunting, and being in the woods.. Spending someone Else's would be nice. Although I am sick of hearing of all of the terrible stories of guides and outfitters doing unethical things to protect their "trophy" that they want to claim. Blocking roads, camping spotters on top of an animal. Kind of ruins great units like Dutton,Pauns,Strip for the average joe blow that doesn't have 15 grand to spend on a hunt.
Exactly :thumb
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+100 hiker. 1 boo for personal attacks...... BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 10sign:
The Ox
ok i started this post for trophy watching. not to talk **** about guides! :>/ ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) if you dont like guides go hunt general season they are hardly on those. or start your own post about hating guides. i wanna know of any monster bull sightings in utah mainly! but would love to hear arizona nm or nevada or where ever else a monster might be lurking.
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I am looking for a good guide on the Dutton for a muzzy hunt. Anyone know of one who guides down there?
lol google it... and make sure you overpay! :))