Russell Outdoors... Any users
1/19/12 5:13pm
I was looking at Russell outdoor apex gear. Is there any one that uses the stuff.
Its not quite as expensive as Zitka. I have components for L1, L2, L3,L4. And i just aquired the outer rain gear layer (Zephur i think)
I have yet to put all 5 layers together... it would have to be a really nasty day.
I have had to get everything 1 piece at a time, but if you shop around you can find some pretty decent deals.
I used it extensively in Idaho last fall for 15 days, it is lightweight, non binding, water repellant, windproof, good camo pattern.
Pricey yes, worth it yes.
BTW: I am not affiliated with Russle in any way shape or form, just like the gear.