11/16/07 1:21pm
Anyone been out lately? Just wondering what your finding, im staring to think the rut is winding down, been seeing quite a few does with out bucks! but then at the same time, some of the smaller bucks are strutting around like they own the world!
just wondering what everyone else is finding?
Or do you think the rut really hasnt kicked in yet?
just wondering what everyone else is finding?
Or do you think the rut really hasnt kicked in yet?
It seems that i have found just the opposite!!! The bigger deer are leaving and the smaller deer are invading my canyon!
ps i did watch a dandy pass his genes on, hope he comes out like his dad
no i didnt! sorry, i was more concerned how i was gonna get an arrow in him!
At first I couldn't pick him out, then...well the blaze orange jacket change gave him away.
Not only is the bow know where to be found, what the heck is he holding?? And the clothes for this time of year. (???)
I'm confused? What say ye 9er??
Roll On Floor Laughing My Head Off
what can i say, thats the only hunting clothes i can afford, and i cant afford any movies, so i do what i can to get my fix!! :)
9er, I've clearly drawn a fairly good sized circle around the buck...I can't figure out what it is you're chasing that direction. (???)
And glad you picked up the right equipment this time also. =D>
(9er Hows the 2200 been for you?)