Rut Strategies.
2/15/09 11:07am
After reading "Hunting ain't easy's" post about "Hunting Strategies" it got me to wondering about how some of you go about archery hunting during the rut. Personally I love Spot and stalk during early archery season but during the rut in 2008 I helped a buddy with an archery tag and believe me it is no easy task to Spot and Stalk during the rut. Sure the bucks are goofy in love but the 5 t0 20 does that the buck is hangin' out with are not goofy. Are ground blinds better at this time? Do you use decoys, scents and rattling? Do you try to drive the deer to the hunter on stand? fatrooster.

2/15/09 12:21pm
Once I found deer I distracted one with a buck grunt long enough to stick an arrow in.