S.W. Colorado Mule Deer Hunt

Hello. I'm new to the site. Great site by the way.
Has anyone stayed at Priest Gulch Campground near Dolores Colorado?
My group has put in for the 2009 Mule Deer hunt and if we get drawn we will be hunting near Priest Gulch.
Just curious how the area is. Any feedback will be appreciated.
estimator ::wel to Muley Madness when you get a free minute tell us about yourself.
Not going there myself, but ::wel
Pretty decent campground. What season are you planning on hunting? It is a fair ride from the campground to the better deer areas during the 1st and 2nd seasons w/o access to private property. 3rd and 4th seasons are later and the bucks have started rutting and moving to lower country, so the drive to hunting areas is shorter for them. Best of luck, areas 71/711 hold some great bucks. We run landowner tag hunts in that area that produce 180+ bucks with a few 200 class bucks in the mix.
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Hi guys, thanks for the welcome! I live in Bakersfield California / 55 years old / kids grown.
I started hunting deer when I was a kid and never missed a season until 1989. I quit hunting then after a buisiness I had went south. Last year I decided to put in for Utah again with my father-in-law and middle son. We were drawn, and had a wonderful trip, taking 3 decent bucks. Needless to say I am hooked again.

We applied for the Oct.17th season for areas 72 ,73, 74 and 71. My son, who lives near Denver is in charge of or group's drawing. I hope he picked the right area. I hunted the Dolores area in 1988 and our group of 4 took 2 nice 4x4's. It is beautiful country.

Thanks again for the welcome and your input!
Welcome back to the crowd (this from a guy that also spent a few years without hunting for what at the time seemed like good reasons)
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Thanks for the welcome Ktown!
"estimator" wrote:Hello. I'm new to the site. Great site by the way.
Has anyone stayed at Priest Gulch Campground near Dolores Colorado?
My group has put in for the 2009 Mule Deer hunt and if we get drawn we will be hunting near Priest Gulch.
Just curious how the area is. Any feedback will be appreciated.
::wel to MuleyMadness!