Sad Day
7/28/06 10:34pm
Seems like the whole country is on fire around here. Just got a call from my brother and where we seem to spend most of our time in the fall is now burned, and totally gone. He and his family have had to evacuate their house and are now safe. Should get the chance to go up and see just how bad things are in a day or two if all is safe to see.

7/28/06 11:39pm
well that sucks. im sorry

7/29/06 1:24am
you wouldn't be talking about an area just northwest of Rapid City S.D. would you? They have evacuated over 300 people here and the fire has hit 2900 acres.I went by there today to go get my daughter and the smoke was so thick coming up in one area it looked like a volcano was erupting. Yes a very sad day.

7/29/06 4:00pm
No these fires are all around the Pine Ridge area in Nebraska. I think there are five burning around here right now. I can see each of the smoke plumes from my house. Ran some gatorade etc. down to the fire department earlier today, IMO those guys/gals are tops.