sad year

It was a sad year 05 cause i chose to hunt for deer @whites peak new mexico instead of hunting @ my ranch where i had seen 2 huge mule deer on our and our neighbors proprtey. i had never seen them long enough 2 count the points much less take a picture but i guessed they would be a 6x6 and a 8x8 but i didnt know for sure. well it just happend that my boss owned land near ours and he took one of of them and it was a 8x7. I wasnt pissed i was just sad. Well i asked him for a picture but he told me no cause he doesnt want theat many people knowing of the deer circling our area. i think hes just greedy. well it dont matter i hope 2 get the other one this year so i can show u guys. well he did tell me that the longer of the drop tines was 8inches and the other was 5. i wish i had a picture so u could believe me. #-o ](*,) well im going to hunt @ my ranch this year but my dad and brother r going to applly 1st choice 44/45 and second choice 48. cause they say the ranch is 2 hard to hunt. i guess that why they grow so big.

Sounds a little sad. :(

But hey apparently one of them is still alive and there has to be some good genes running around now. :)

To bad he wouldn't give you a picture, I'd love to see it also.

Better luck this upcoming year. 4c