Sage Grouse

Sage Grouse
Spent a week out in Montana, shed hunting and covered a lot of ground.
One of the things I wanted to see during the trip was a Sage Grouse Lek.
I was hiking up 1 long ravine nearing the top. Thought I heard a boom, boom, boom way off. Stopped to listen, my heart was pounding somewhat from the climb couldn't tell what I thought I was hearing. My plan was to cross this sage flat to the head of the next ravine then down to where the truck was parked on the 2 track. Anyway I came across this small prairie dog town and there they were, the area was alive with male grouse. I stayed back and watched the show through the binos. I counted 36 males and more showing up from everywhere. These two came right out in front of me.
Wish I had a better camera." alt="" />

Some of the country side." alt="" />" alt="" />
Those are some nice pictures. =D>

Sounds like a fun time. So where are the shed pictures?