Salmon River Steelies

Just got back from 4 days on the Salmon River. The run this year is INCREDIBLE! We stopped counting at 20 fish. We also caught way more wild fish than we have ever caught before. We never caught anything bigger than 27", but the fish fought great and it was as action packed as steelhead fishing gets.-------shooter
Wow, outstanding...what a blast.
that is awsome! fishing for steelhead is bar far my favorite fishing! great job- great fish!
Springville Shooter
I was spoiled living on the west coast as I was able to fish for Salmon and steelhead 15 minutes from my house. Now, I have to drive for five hours to fish, but I love the Salmon river. What a wild place. Pretty cool when bighorn sheep feed down to the water right across from where you are fishing. Also to think that the fish you are catching have traveled over 700 miles from the ocean is pretty amazing.-----shooter
Nice fish shooter, good job. Looks like you had a blast.

So what did you catch them on? I caught some in Washington state years ago using a plain ole' Kastmaster lure.. fun fish to catch.

Thanks for sharing.
Springville Shooter
We found that Roe and fresh water clams were the ticket. Thats great info only found on this site cuz not to many people were catching fish and we were killing them. We thought about giving out the secret, but decided against it as we might try to sneek back up there......Hammer time baby.------shooter
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Thank you for reviving some childhood memories in me! I used to live on the Salmon river, as a child we had a hunting outfit, our base was a few miles down from Shoup. I was home-schooled by my Mom until around noon everyday then the rest of the day was mine. I always ended up fishing the Salmon river which was my backyard. Deer, goats, bighorn would all come down across from me to water. I miss it tremendously.
Springville Shooter
I bought a darned good hamburger at shoup for lunch on the third day we were fishing. I'm sure that you know my friends as they have a cabin down by the tree farm and own 93 outdoor sports in Salmon. This trip is a yearly tradition for us and I too cherish the time I get to spend in the north fork canyon.-----shooter
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Unfortunately I haven't seen the are since 1985, my sister however took a drive up from Payson and spent a week up there. She said it had changed alot since we were there. The only things along the road at the time were Shoup, The Ramshead Lodge (owned by the Jackson family at the time) and the trail bridge. Looking through Google Earth I can see alot of additions since my time. Maybe I'll get some treble hooks & thread and make a trip next year.
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"Springville Shooter" wrote:I was spoiled living on the west coast as I was able to fish for Salmon and steelhead 15 minutes from my house. Now, I have to drive for five hours to fish, but I love the Salmon river. What a wild place. Pretty cool when bighorn sheep feed down to the water right across from where you are fishing. Also to think that the fish you are catching have traveled over 700 miles from the ocean is pretty amazing.-----shooter

Ahh yes, nice to know that is still happening. When I was there fishing everyday during the hunting seasons there would be Bighorn on the other side, an hour later the deer would come down and drink. Lots of mountain goats and lions in the area too.
awesome shooter