Same Bull - Sheds + Pic??

What do you guys think, a friend of mine aka: Shed Crazy

found these big 5-point sheds the year before this bull was taken on the same unit in Southern Utah.

Think he is the same bull?

I think he might be, score on the bull dead is 370"
MuleyMadness" alt="" />
I also believe there was another 5-point Utah bull killed this year that scores an amazing 370".
i think it could be. i cant really tell from the pic though. do you know if theres any other angles of the bull?
I dont see any 6th "bumps" like on the sheds.
hard to say - that seems like a ton of growth for one year, especially in those fronts
thats what i noticed to h_h
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Well to start off I am not going to say that the sheds are definatly off of the same bull but it is possible. I found them on the same unit, in simallar terrain and simallar cover. Also I dont think that that much growth would be impossible considering the year, there was more feed on the mountain then most other years due to the wet spring. and the winter was very mild compaired to others, the elk did not have to struggle for food, so they were healthier then normal years. There were several bulls in the area that grew alot bigger then they were the year before, and lets face it 2006 was a very good year for horn growth just look at all of the huge bulls that were killed compaired to the year before.
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I think there's a great possibility it's the same bull! Look at how close the frist and second point come off the beam on the right side. That's a characteristic the bull would keep his whole life. My vote is, yes, it's the same bull. Cool find!