saratoga wyoming

My first Mule deer hunt is 8 days away and I can not wait all my research I can not find anyone who will give me a gauge as to what size deer would be a fair harvest for the area around medicine bow national park. It is easy to find articles about the big ones but just like the area in Texas we hunt genetics limit what we would determine to be a shooter. I would love to hear any feed back on what those of you have hunted this area feel would be a proper/good deer.
I will also be hunting in that area. I have been trying to find out what I can, it has been a little slow. I don't know if there is just no knowledge of the area by people on forums, or if this is an amazing mule deer hot spot, and nobody wants to talk. Good luck to you. I, also can't wait.
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i have been trying to get a map of the trails to see if it is worth my time to haul a 4 wheeler or not and have yet to get one. It seems that most people have tried to get further North and West of were we are hunting. This is more of a reunion for us but I still would like to think we will have some success.
I will be stopping at the BLM office in Rawlins to get maps when I come through. I have some maps, but not the detail that I am wanting. I believe that the bad winter a few years ago has kept a lot of people from wanting to hunt this area. There are deer in the area, I saw a quite a few when I was working in the area this spring. Probably not what the locals are used to seeing, but more than where I am used to hunting in eastern Oregon.
I spent 3 months this spring working in Rawlins. I spent every day that I could looking the country over. I decided to get a leftover tag when they became available. I am not begging for anything, I will do just fine on my own. that comes from YEARS of hunting mule deer. I just thought that I would see if there was anyone on here that is willing to share knowledge. It is my understanding that people do that here. Sorry if I have offended you or anyone else for asking for any info. FYI I help people out whenever they ask about areas that I am familiar with.
Springville Shooter
Wish I could help, but my experience in Wyo is all west of rock springs.---shooter
Edit: My post is in response to Southend and I must have written it at the same time that Springville was posting as I never saw Nonya's reply. So for those of you confused by my reply, well, I am too now lol Bottom line, this has, for the most part, be a very civil forum, even when there have been disagreements. Let's keep it that way, please.

I'm fairly certain no one on the board has been offended at anytime by someone asking a few questions. My guess is that no one on here has experience in the area and that is why you are not getting replies.

If I could offer some help on the area I would but I've never hunted the area. Hopefully, someone will see this topic before you both head out and can offer some help.

Also, give folks a bit of time to post up. It's only been a few hours since this topic was started.
My first Mule deer hunt is 8 days away and I can not wait all my research I can not find anyone who will give me a gauge as to what size deer would be a fair harvest for the area around medicine bow national park.
I have family that live and hunt in Saratoga.......the trophy potential is above average in that area, IMO. A view of B&C listings will also support that. Some are taken on private ranch property when the snow hits, but I've seen some dandies while visiting there in the high-country of the Medicine Bow National Forest as well. It's also gorgeous country where you have the chance of seeing huge bull elk, bull moose, whitetail antelope and mule deer all in one day.
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Thanks for all the replies. Southendguy who knows maybe I bump into when i am up their. Hope everyone has a successfull hunt...with lots of good memories. I will post a full report of my first hunt when i return.
I'll keep an eye out for a rig with Texas plates. I drive an old white Ford crew cab with Oregon plates. Good luck, maybe we'll meet up.