saratoga wyoming
9/24/09 8:57pm
My first Mule deer hunt is 8 days away and I can not wait all my research I can not find anyone who will give me a gauge as to what size deer would be a fair harvest for the area around medicine bow national park. It is easy to find articles about the big ones but just like the area in Texas we hunt genetics limit what we would determine to be a shooter. I would love to hear any feed back on what those of you have hunted this area feel would be a proper/good deer.
I'm fairly certain no one on the board has been offended at anytime by someone asking a few questions. My guess is that no one on here has experience in the area and that is why you are not getting replies.
If I could offer some help on the area I would but I've never hunted the area. Hopefully, someone will see this topic before you both head out and can offer some help.
Also, give folks a bit of time to post up. It's only been a few hours since this topic was started.