Savage rifles?
1/15/08 3:08pm
Hey guys.
I have a Savage .243 that I use as my deer rifle mostly but I was wondering if anyone has one in any other calibers? I am a HUGE remington fan but this Savage shoots awesome. One of the most consistent rifles Ive ever shot. I posted a thread lookin for the best all around gun in the optics forum before I saw there was a rifle forum. Im specifically lookin for anyones take on the Savage .270, 30-06, or 300 mag.
I have a Savage .243 that I use as my deer rifle mostly but I was wondering if anyone has one in any other calibers? I am a HUGE remington fan but this Savage shoots awesome. One of the most consistent rifles Ive ever shot. I posted a thread lookin for the best all around gun in the optics forum before I saw there was a rifle forum. Im specifically lookin for anyones take on the Savage .270, 30-06, or 300 mag.
Model 99 250-3000 Savage. Took my first Mulies and Whitetails with it.
Good luck with yours.
Sounds like you have your mind made up on the brand; now what model? must models are available in the calibers you listed. Do you want wood, laminate, plastic.
If you are undecided on the model, you might look at the CZ 550, they also have a set trigger. Just a finely built rifle ($$)
M. Bird
As inspired by Wayne.
Grand pa and his 1899 Savage in 303 savage
Me some 50 plus years later with the same rifle
The round receiver (like a Remington 700) makes them easy to inlet for and aftermarket stocks are easy to find. Pillar bedding the stocks can be a little tricky as the sear's location makes you modify the rear pillar a bit but its not that difficult.
Changing the boltface to accept the .223 Rem, the .308 Win, or the belted magnums is easy. The barrel nut while not the most attractive thing in the gun world, makes headspacing a replacement barrel extremely easy.
One of the big sleepers in great guns for the $ is the Stevens 200. It's a Savage action with even fewer frills. So you can pick them up really inexpensively. Swap the barrel, recoil lug, and laminated stock for some aftermarket parts and you have a semi custom gun for the price of a factory Rem 700. I'll bet the Frankenstein Stevens shoots better also. :thumb