Savage rifles?

Hey guys.
I have a Savage .243 that I use as my deer rifle mostly but I was wondering if anyone has one in any other calibers? I am a HUGE remington fan but this Savage shoots awesome. One of the most consistent rifles Ive ever shot. I posted a thread lookin for the best all around gun in the optics forum before I saw there was a rifle forum. Im specifically lookin for anyones take on the Savage .270, 30-06, or 300 mag.
It sounds like your looking more specifically for information on deer caliber rifles. But I had to share, I have no prior experience with Savage but purchased a .223 in November and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! I've never shot so consistent and had so much fun shooting as I have with this rifle. I think a lot of that probably goes out to the .223 caliber, It's so small and fun to shoot! I can't get enough of it!! But i'm sure that Savage is also a contributer to the smoothness of the weapon. One things for sure, I LOVE THAT TRIGGER!! (Accu-Trigger I think it's called?)
Thanks but Im not as much lookin at deer calibers as I am elk, muley, antelope, whitetail, and bear calibers. Thanks though. Never shot a .223.
I have never owned one but have worked up a handload for a couple both were 270 cal used a 130gr ballistic tip and they both were awesome.Good luck.

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Just got me a Savage in .204 far so good!! 10sign:
I've retired this fine rifle.
Model 99 250-3000 Savage. Took my first Mulies and Whitetails with it." alt="" />
I've had a Savage 110 or variations of it since 1965. All were one holers. I currently have 111's in 270, 30-06, .223. My first Savage was a 99 308 and it wouldnt hit broad side of Gughiocello's barn. The second Sav was a 264 WIn Mag I carried for 25 yrs. It was a one shot one kill rifle. Sadly, I sold it in a weak moment.

Good luck with yours.
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The entire lines up of savage rifles are very good, they have taken a large share of the varmint rifles, and they are making a make in the F class shooting world. I have owned many savages over the years. 1st was a 99E 300 savage and still have several of them.
Sounds like you have your mind made up on the brand; now what model? must models are available in the calibers you listed. Do you want wood, laminate, plastic.
If you are undecided on the model, you might look at the CZ 550, they also have a set trigger. Just a finely built rifle ($$)

M. Bird
Thanks guys! THis helps a lot. Now, Im pretty set on a savage. I do need to look into the models though. It looks like, for the money, you can get a great deal on an awesome gun.
Savage has long been known for out of the box accuracy and affordable price. They may not get the purdiest rifle award but they can stack em in there.

As inspired by Wayne.

Grand pa and his 1899 Savage in 303 savage" alt="" />
Me some 50 plus years later with the same rifle" alt="" />
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i've got a 303 model 99 and a 30.06 love em both :thumb
I have a savage 270 and i like it a just recently went with a rem 7mm
If I were to only EVER have one rifle for bverything short of a grizzler, it would be my Sav 111F .270 package gun withthe 3-9 scope on it. It's light for carrying to the backcountry, is decidedly not pretty, is very durable, is extrreemely accurate, and with Hornady Light Mag 130SST ammo is a laser straight death ray. Sadly I dont use it as much as I'd like and may buy a youth stock and give it to my 34yo dau. (Or I may just buy her her own 111 :thumb )
Thanks again for all the help guys. Cant wait to get my hand on a new Savage. :thumb Silvertip, Im lookin at the Savage 111F right now. Looks sweet.
I have a Savage 116FCSS in 30-06 and a Savage Mark II-FV both those guns!! I had done a lot of research before purchasing my 30-06 and found that Savage makes a great gun and is quite inexpensive as far as guns go. The beauty of Savage rifles is that you get a very straight shooting gun at a decent price which means you can throw a top notch scope on it and have a great gun that will last you a long time. I'm hooked on Savage. Love that AccuTrigger too...have both mine adjusted to around 3lbs!
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I'm a Savage nut as well. My first was a model 99E chambered in 308. Excellent gun, but prefer bolt so traded for a new 111 chambered in 30/06. VERY ACCURATE!!! Also own model 11 in .243. Very accurate as well, but doesn't care for hot loads with light bullets. Also have a 116BVSS accu-tigger in 300WSM and very accurate as well. cJ
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I too have a few of them in my safe. I have an old J model 110 in .223 Rem, a late version 110 in 6mm Rem Ackley Improved, another in .25-06 Rem, and my baby, the 10 ML II muzzleloader. While they are very nice shooters out of the box, they are one of the easiest guns to customize. If you can reload, you can rebarrel a Savage bolt rifle. You can get drop in barrels from a few suppliers and you can change from a light recoiling long range deer gun with a 25-06 barrel to a 338 Win Mag with a few tools and parts.

The round receiver (like a Remington 700) makes them easy to inlet for and aftermarket stocks are easy to find. Pillar bedding the stocks can be a little tricky as the sear's location makes you modify the rear pillar a bit but its not that difficult.

Changing the boltface to accept the .223 Rem, the .308 Win, or the belted magnums is easy. The barrel nut while not the most attractive thing in the gun world, makes headspacing a replacement barrel extremely easy.

One of the big sleepers in great guns for the $ is the Stevens 200. It's a Savage action with even fewer frills. So you can pick them up really inexpensively. Swap the barrel, recoil lug, and laminated stock for some aftermarket parts and you have a semi custom gun for the price of a factory Rem 700. I'll bet the Frankenstein Stevens shoots better also. :thumb
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I've owned several over the years and still have a .243 in the safe. They were all shooters. I do regret letting the .257 Roberts get away as they didn't make many of them.