Scofield 5-30-09

Went to Scofield thismorning for a the first fishing trip of the season. (I know its a bit of a late start). There was My dad, 2 brothers, me and my 3yr old son.

The fishing was spotty, depending on where we were at, we are trollers. I didn't see to many people being successfull. We were able to boat 8 fish only able to bring one home, we caught 2 tigers in the slot, 1 cut in the slot, brought home a 16" rainbow, and the rest were 8-10 inch planter bows. But we had a good time.

A warning to people at all waters in Utah you will now be required to fill out a paper at the launch regaurding the invasion of Zebra muscles, if you do not fill this questionair out at the launch and put it in your windsheild they will be issuing tickets.

We found this out today, they were just warning that the tickets were coming, thankgoodness. Because I had no Idea they were doing this. But the fish cop that talked to us said that at other waters in the state they are giving tickets right now.

Any ways here is a few of the pics from this morning.
My boy and my brother
AWESOME PHOTOS! Looks like a great time on the water...especially with the little one!!!
"AGCHAWK" wrote:AWESOME PHOTOS! Looks like a great time on the water...especially with the little one!!!
+1 thanks for sharing!
AWESOME PHOTOS! Looks like a great time on the water...especially with the little one!!!
very cool! i really like seeing pics with guys taking there kids with them when they go. good on you! :thumb
Looks like a good time had by all. Gotta love them little ones out there, too!

Reminds me, I need to post up a pic of my recent Flaming Gorge excursion.

EDIT: Love the SpiderMan vest on your son!!! lol
Yea He had a great time, he thought he was the coolest hanging out with the "Boys". I don't know how many times he has asked me to go again this week. Got to get up there again.
That's what it's all about right there, family and fun.
Congrats Dead I. Nope it's not too late. I haven't even got out to wet a hook yet. My first trip should be in a couple weeks. Were planning on fly fishing in the boulders. I'll post up some pics assuming I don't get skunked.