Scope Angled or straight

Which do you prefer?

What are some of the pros and cons.
Thunder Head,

what kind of hunting ya going to be doing? are you going to be using it on a window mount?

The angled is easier on the strain of your neck, you dont have to set your tripod so high to be looking comfortably behind it!

the downside to the angled is at first its a bit tough to find what your looking for, but with time it just becomes second nature. and if your going to be using it on a window mount, well, dont plan on it, its a pain!

Let us know what ya end up getting!

I couldn't have said it any better than 9er. I love the angled but I did have to get accustomed to it as far as knowing where I was looking. But once you do it is sweeeeeeet! fatrooster.
I went with the straight, not sure why. But glad I did and I'm happy with mine. Just felt it was more useful in more conditions than angled, don't always want the angle myself.