score this
walleyed antlerman
12/18/07 7:58am
Try this one
that Popeye in the early days?
That is one fine animal. Glad to see he made it through alive.
Walley, you said that the pic was taken just two weeks ago?!?! Happen to have any info on this brute?
(No, I'm no talkin' about info so that I can hunt it. Just curious as to the state, has he been seen before, are you gonna be chasin' him this season?)
Mega Pack Vol. 2
Mega Pack Screen Saver Vol.2 contains a total of 48 images which can be used both as a screen saver and wallpaper. There are 12 images of mule deer, elk, whitetail, and fishing each on one CD ROM. These images are taken from our 2000 Calendar collection featuring world record class bucks and bulls and our 2000 Fishing Calendar. This screen saver allows you to install the whole collection or just the species or collection you want.
We can ship it or you can donwload it
(download file size: 4.5 MB)
Available for Windows and Mac on Cd
View all images
kings outdoors has it from 2000 as a wall paper
Click here is you want just the fishing images
Download version is Windows only
And If that picture was taken 2 weeks ago, pretty neat to have the same deer in the same spot with the same grass coming out of the mouth.
2 weeks does seem alottt longer then 1 year
Yea that is a huge buck. It's hard to find one that breakes the 30 inch mark, let alone 40
I put the picture in autocadd a design program that I could scale it. I came up with a 42 inch spread grosses 220 and nets 197.5.
Still a monster in anybodys screen saver oopps I mean book.
I will belive him next time WHEN I SEE IT IN HIS CAMERA!!!!
No hard feelings, Just keep in mind that the new Canons cameras will let you put pictures off the computer on to them.
I knew I had seen the buck and recognized it from a LONG time ago also.
Cool picture none-the-less.
OH...and I wanted to point out that I missed the score by ONE INCH!!!!!!
...just in case you missed it!