Scouting/Photography Pics - 2009
7/12/09 10:04pm
I'll be adding a bunch of photos here as the summer progresses of 'shots' I get.
Hope you enjoy!
First off, who say's there isn't any whitetail in Utah? :) Check out this first guy.
Please remember these images are copyrighted and aren't to be used outside of this website without permission first. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Good 4 point in the making. " alt="" />
Same buck as I've posted photos of before this summer. I like the lighting on this shot. " alt="" /> " alt="" />
He'll have extras on both sides. " alt="" />
Lead buck is a "slug" meaning BIG. Back one is no slouch either (4x5) " alt="" />
Goofy buck " alt="" />
Hope you enjoy!
First off, who say's there isn't any whitetail in Utah? :) Check out this first guy.
Please remember these images are copyrighted and aren't to be used outside of this website without permission first.

Good 4 point in the making.

Same buck as I've posted photos of before this summer. I like the lighting on this shot.

He'll have extras on both sides.

Lead buck is a "slug" meaning BIG. Back one is no slouch either (4x5)

Goofy buck

Closer of lead buck, how wide is he?
Solid 4x5 buck
Either way, those are some great shots!
Here is one from yesterday. Up close and personal.
Great pictures..... giving me the itch to go scouting.
How much bigger to do think he will get? How far away were you when you took the pictures?
My guess is 32"-33" for his outside spread. Do you think he will stay in the same area, is this his core area?
keep em' coming!
Here is another pulled from video, public land. 28" or so 4-point. Pretty buck, not good forks but he looks nice looking at you from a distance.
Thanks for sharing your time afield. Some good looking bucks for sure.
Just upgraded my camera today however to the Canon 40D, so the next photos I get will/should be with the new camera.
That's because you are not hunting the Pawns...