scouting pics
one hunting fool
7/23/08 12:39pm
Well I went scouting again. This time I read my camera manual to see what I could do to make the pictures better. I think these are a little better but without a better optic this is as good as they will get unless I get closer but as soon as I try that the bust. No cover in this valley. When I spotted them they where on the private hunting grounds just about to cross the fence for a drink. " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />
The big boy is the little dot in the back ground. Here is a close up as good a one as I could get. " alt="" />
Here is the other big one I like him " alt="" />
Close up " alt="" />
The three 4 points together " alt="" />
As soon as I started walking into the valley here’s what I got " alt="" />
Notice the far right one well here is a better pic of him heading over the burm look at that eye guard " alt="" />
Can not wait for Archery

The big boy is the little dot in the back ground. Here is a close up as good a one as I could get.

Here is the other big one I like him

Close up

The three 4 points together

As soon as I started walking into the valley here’s what I got

Notice the far right one well here is a better pic of him heading over the burm look at that eye guard

Can not wait for Archery
Nice bucks man. Good luck flippin' those sharp sticks at him.