SD Memory / Picture "file size"

Can anyone tell me about how much memory a single picture takes up on a 6mp and 8mp trail cam? Both have IR Flash if that makes a difference, and if make/model matters it's a Wildgame Innovations X6C and a Wildgame Innovations W8X.
The package the memory card comes in should say an approximate amount of pictures you can store on it.

It all depends though:
Higher picture resolution = Lower number of pics stored
Lower Resolution = More pics stored
This should help...
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Thanks guys.... when I ordered the trail cams (very very late at night) I thought it said it could only take up to a 16MB SD card so I was way surprised and was trying to figure out how many SD cards I was going to have to buy haha ](*,) But it's a 16GB so I'm worry and problem free now lol
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I have a Wildgame cam also, I believe it's the X6c.. I have a 2 gb card that at times has taken over 1200 pictures on the medium resolution setting.. I have had trouble with this camera being too sensitive, hence the 1200 pictures of shadows the whole day.. Also, I think it is too slow on recognizing movement then snapping the pic.. I get a lot of empty frame photos even when there spaced out over long periods of time.. Are you experenceing any similar issues with yours ?? I have tried about every combonation of settings available..
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I'm setting them up this next week so I'll let ya know!