SD public mullies?

New to the site and first time mule deer hunters and have lots of Questions

I'm trying to plan a trip for an archery SD public land mule deer hunt with my dad and 2 brothers we are very excited to try a western hunt. None of us have ever hunted for them (Mullies) before so we are not looking for trophies just for action and a shot at a decent buck.

I was looking into the Buffalo gap area by wall and also the public land around hot springs but we are open to suggestions I don't want to take any secret spots but any pointers would be great. I've been studying on what to look for but am still pretty lost. What kind of cover and area to look for? we plan on camping were we hunt. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Also If we buy the state wide archery is that good for the Black hills NF or is that separate? again any help and pointers greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!
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Both areas hold deer. Both areas you mentioned are straight up SD plains, badlands, and some river bottom. Badlands are probably more productive for a stick and string stalk. some of the area north of wall you can get access to river breaks with some cedars. That could make for good stalking country.
There were a couple of rough springs back home and the dfg cut way back on rifle tags. Don't let that discourage you though. Mule bucks will be mostly of the 160 class at best. Deer in the hills are 130 class.

The state wide archery tag is also good for the hills.

Good luck to you!
Finding a Muley in the black hills would be tough. Buffalo gap is a good area but has lots of road hunters. I suggest getting as far away from roads as possible. Good luck!
And don't forget to post pictures!
I've been thinking about a SD muley hunt in the future. I work with a guy who's a Besler (Family owns the Besler Ranch that makes up the Besler WIA in Perkins County). Anyone know anything about the deer in that area?
I have been there a few times, where I hunt is actually only a few miles away from there. I was only there in the summer while working for game and fish fisheries dept. I don't remember seeing any deer but I also wasn't out searching for them. It definately looks like a good area to me. I would avoid it during rifle season. There is a small 1 square mile walk in just a few miles away that gets hammered every year. I would imagine besler also gets pretty busy.