SE Oregon Deer Hunting

I was successful this year in drawing a Beatty's Butte deer tag. I have never hunted this unit and was hoping to get some information on where I should concentrate my scouting efforts. This unit covers a lot of area. I contacted the biologists for this unit and they gave me a couple of areas to scout mainly in the western part of the unit. I spent the weekend July 31st scouting the Pueblo Mountains and there was certainly outstanding deer habitat and plenty of water but not a whole lot of deer sign. Of course, the area was experiencing record high temperatures that weekend which certainly did not help. As a non-resident I won't be able to hunt this area again for at least another 7 years. I plan on a couple more scouting trips before the season starts. Any information from anyone who knows the unit and/or has hunted this unit would be greatly appreciated.
The Pueblos are a good place to concentrate your efforts. You won't see much action up there while it is really hot. The numbers are not what they used to be, thanks in part to the big cats. Hunt slow and check out all of the brush pockets. The main part of the mountain hasn't been very productive for years, but the back ridge should give you opportunity if you put the time into it. Good luck.
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Thank you very much for your advice southendguy. It is greatly appreciated. I plan on spending a couple days in that area late next week on my way back from an antelope hunt in Wyoming. Again, thanks for the great advice and good luck to you in your hunts this season. If you plan on hunting this area anytime in the future I would gladly share with you what I learn on hunting this unit during this season.
Where are you antelope hunting in Wyoming? I will be deer hunting there this year.
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I drew a tag for Unit 72 for antelope. It is west of Casper. I hunted it two years ago and did see a number of mule deer bucks. I believe that the hunt unit for deer is Unit 89. I hunted a private ranch that allows public access for a nominal trespass fee of $10.00. That's right $10.00! I would think that it is the same for mule deer hunting. If this is your unit I can report back to you what I see later next week. I plan on doing some scouting for deer myself while I'm there as I purchased a preference point this year for a future draw for this unit.
My area for deer is region D, which is south of Casper. It goes to the Colorado border, basically from Rawlins to Laramie. Good luck on your Antelope hunt. Post your results.
Muleyseeker, I drew that tag as well. I dont know a whole lot about it, however I did just get back from a successfull antelope hunt in that unit. Not overly impressed with the dear numbers, but the country sure looks good. Anyway, good luck, mabye ill see you up there in a couple weeks. - Leo
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Thanks for the information Leo. I will try and get up there this weekend to do some more scouting. Like you said beautiful country but I think we will have our work cut out for us. Cooler weather would sure help!. Anyway, hopefully you were succesful on your antelope hunt. I have seen a few nice ones in the unit. I scored on a respectable antelope buck in Wyoming last week. Not what I was after but nice nonetheless. Maybe our paths will cross during the deer season. Good luck to you.