Sea Kitten Highschool!?
1/8/09 11:25am
Peta wants a highschool near me to do this! Whats next!
"Is this a joke?” was the reaction in Spearfish Wednesday to an effort to get the high school to change its name to something more cuddly.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals faxed a letter to Spearfish High School Principal Steve Morford asking the school to “adopt a new name to reflect the gentle nature of its current marine namesake.”
The school should be renamed “Sea Kitten High School,” PETA said, as part of its new Sea Kitten campaign aimed at children.
Is this a joke? Apparently not.
If children were taught to refer to fish as “sea kittens,” reflecting that fish, like cats and dogs, are “individuals” that “do have friendships,” fewer fish might be killed for food or sport, PETA spokesman Pulin Modi said.
“We want people to realize that more fish are killed each year than all animals combined,” he said. “They don’t have the sympathy of more popular animals like cats and dogs.”
Wednesday afternoon, Principal Morford said he hadn’t yet seen the fax.
Several calls about the effort had interrupted his work day. He said he wouldn’t share his feelings about PETA, but said, “Obviously, it’s nothing we’re taking seriously.”
Morford said the school’s students, who have access to laptops and the Internet at school, had started to talk about the assault on their school’s name.
Zach Retzl, a senior, hadn’t heard about the suggestion but said he didn’t think it would catch on.
“It’s so illogical that it’s hard to comprehend it,” he said. “I really don’t think any student would necessarily go for that.”
He said the school is just named for the town, and doesn’t promote hunting or fishing.
“I would say it probably has something to do with Native Americans and what they did to hunt for food to survive,” Retzl said.
Changing the school name, he said, “I just think it’s a pretty ridiculous idea.”
A similar letter was sent to the principal of Whitefish High School in Whitefish, Mont., near Glacier National Park.
Whitefish schools Superintendent Jerry House said he thinks all of Whitefish should consider the new name, but he suggested White Kitten, rather than Sea Kitten, as Whitefish is so far from the coast.
“White Kitten High School, the White Kitten City Council, the White Kitten Fire Department – it has a certain ring to it, don’t you think?”
Break the politically correct law, House said, “and you’ll be arrested by the White Kitten Police Department, and taken to the White Kitten Jail, where you’ll be treated with soft, furry paws and a purr of compassion.”
Last summer, Whitefish High played host to a conference of the National Federation of Fly-Fishers. In a town so reliant upon tourism and conventions, House suggested the new name could bring in similar new business.
“Next year, maybe we’ll get the National Federation of Sea Kittens,” he said. “The fur will be flying, and they’ll have scratching post exhibits.
“But,” he warned, “we’re going to have to bring in lots and lots of litter boxes.”
The Missoulian newspaper contributed to this report.
Seriously, PETA is pretty much washed up, IMHO, as most folks with common sense realize they are complete wackos. So, the only way they can get their name in the media is to come up with the most off-the-wall antics. Heck, the media has tired of them as PETA has lost all credibility.