Secretary Ken Salazar in Utah
8/2/10 6:40pm
We know this is short notice, however it was sprung upon us suddenly as well. Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 3rd The Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar will be in Utah discussing various problems at a “public listening session” and Hunters Against PETA will be there addressing to him face to face many problems that are facing our hunting rights and the destruction of our elk herds.
If you have anything that you feel strongly about and would like us to address at the meeting please send us an email ASAP and we will be happy to address your problem or concern to Secretary Salazar.
For those of you who don’t know what the Secretary of Interior does, the Secretary of Interior is in charge of our hunting, fishing and land (public hunting land – BLM) rights here in America.
Our email address
If you have anything that you feel strongly about and would like us to address at the meeting please send us an email ASAP and we will be happy to address your problem or concern to Secretary Salazar.
For those of you who don’t know what the Secretary of Interior does, the Secretary of Interior is in charge of our hunting, fishing and land (public hunting land – BLM) rights here in America.
Our email address is