seen 3 bulls still packing

went out this afternoon to see if i could get into a place i wanted to go tomorrow. right off the bat i pulled out my spotter from the road and spotted 3 bulls. 2 were 6x6's [ one of those might be close to 300" the other 270+/-] and the 3rd was a 5x5. i've heard they some guys are finding some fresh elk sheds. so my question is: do i go right back in there tomorrow and see if they dropped just since today? or do i stay out for another week or so and not bother them? i would be all hiking, no 4 weeler. and it is in a place i dont believe will get hit. there is alot more ground that i couldn't see.
what do you think?
True, the elk are dropping! Yaahoo.. I picked up a fresh set last weekend.. Most of them are still packing tho..
I know that it is easier said than done but if the area is not going to get hit, leave them alone.. If they have enough feed they will not go too far. Those bulls are smart. They have a great sence of smell and as soon as they catch wind of you they will be outta there..
Watch them close. If they stay in the same general area their sheds will be in there. Wait until most of/all them shed before you go in a snatch em up. If you can.. If they do happen travel try to keep an eye on where they go and where you seen them last. It will narrow your travels.
Be sneekee when your glassing the hill. Dont let anyone see what your looking at or you will have competition pretty quick.

Ive been doing the same thing. Im watching 12 bulls that were still packing Sunday, I havent been back but will Friday.

Good Luck! Cant wait to see pictures..
I agree with AOW, let them be for a bit. No need to rush in after 1 day if they are still packing and not pressured.
Nice avatar Hunt_Rez haha i love that movie
Me and Big R have 4 big bulls located,we are waiting 2-3 weeks to check on them,you dont want to push them too hard this time of year,give em a break.
The majority of the bulls that I've seen this week are still packin'. Even seen three deer today still packin' one side...
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seen 5 smaller bulls yesterday i will give them a week then im going back to see. i dont like to push them i would rather miss out on a find then push them out now. i wish more would do the same.