Seen legit 200" buck?
3/30/11 9:43pm
Alright clearly I'm a bit bored in the off season, my question is how many of you have seen a legit 200" buck. And better yet, have video, photos, or harvest proof. I'd like to see and know if you have. We all here the stories of monsters, lets separate fact from fiction and see them.
YES I've been fortunate enough to see several (not boasting at all), just really been lucky and enjoy trying to find them and get some 'proof'. All in fun.
I'll start...
Does he break the magical 200" mark to you? Yes he was harvested and I have a score.
Any guesses??
What say ye and lets see yours.
YES I've been fortunate enough to see several (not boasting at all), just really been lucky and enjoy trying to find them and get some 'proof'. All in fun.
I'll start...
Does he break the magical 200" mark to you? Yes he was harvested and I have a score.
Any guesses??
What say ye and lets see yours.
Does he have an inline on the passenger side that is hidden? If so, that might put him over the top
Pictures don't do them justice!
But the one Roy posted is over 200" IMO
I have seen a couple I believe are over 200" and killed a 196" gross non-typical on an ID general unit.
with those extras, it might push bretts buck over 200" gross
thanks for sharing the pics bohntr and killer! Awesome bucks
His gross score was 204", don't have a net score on him sorry. And he was only 27" wide.
Keep this thread rolling boys, I've got a couple more to share like this but want to see/hear more of your stories. Great bucks so far! 10sign:
Here's a better view of is right side:
Any guesses on score would be appreciated. I'm not the greatest at guessig but so far have been fairy clos with the animals I've harvested.
As far as legitimate 200" deer I've seen over the years (not photographed)......well I've seen quite a few. Again, I've been fortunate to have bowhunted the Strip, and the Kaibab for years (in the good years) and have seen some absolute GIANTS. Seen two bucks over 200" in Northern NM, one in Southern AZ, and for sure two in CO as well. They are a rare deer that is tough to bowhunt though......out of all the years chasing them, I've only got lucky once with that caliber buck.
Man I don't have a clue on the score, but a good buck for sure. Pretty photo, looks like 1 big extra and a small one maybe to huh?
Great pics of some AWESOME bucks though. This is one cool thread!
He is a 6x6 and one of the coolest/impressive bucks I've watched.
Here are the harvest pics...
live pics
here are his sheds from the year before
and then this hodad