SHARPTAIL,my newest mount NEW PIC
1/17/08 7:17pm
I was digging through a pile of ducks in the freezer looking for one of my bluebills to mount and I came acroos this lil guy that I shot last fall,thought Id do him first since I dont have an upland bird on the wall yet.Pretty much done,Im considering putting some sage along the bottom edge of the walnut barnwood.What do you guys think?" alt="" />
DOne..." alt="" />


Let us know what you do with it - And congrats, extraordinary work!
I agree with Hound-hunter....Sage would look good or you could add some imitation aspen with the fall colors to kick it up some more. :-k
Eather way it will be a great additon to any room.
maybe cut the board at the bottom of the sage. Cover the bare board part over the picture with your hand and see what you think. Might look more natural. Looks good either way though. I will be hunting Grouse in Colorado for the first time next season, I might have to consider mounting one after seeing yours.