Shed collecting question

I'm by no means a seasoned veteran when it comes to shed hunting, but I had a relative ask a question I couldn't answer, so I hope someone can. Knowing critters like to knaw on sheds, do we strip them of anything essential by taking sheds out of the woods? My instinctive answer was for every 1 shed I find walking an area, I miss 10 but that was just a guess. I'd like to hear what others have to say, especially if someone knows the answer and just doesn't throw something out there like I did.
well, lets see.........

there are 40 400" bulls left after huntin' season in Utah this year.
Out of those 80 sheds, 72 of them were picked up by humans.
That leaves 8 monster bull sheds for the rodents.
that'll feed a helluva lot more critters than the two raghorn sheds that were in Utah 10 years ago!!!!!

just a thought......

there are ALOT of shed hunters now days
but there are ALOT of sheds too
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Ahhhh, i shoot porcupine's anyway, them suckers kill more fawns and calves than people realize!! lol
I kill the little horn gnawing rodents also.
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I don't know how many sheds that i find that a rodent has chewed ona shed and just nibbled on it and left it alone, so i say who gives a s*** and pick up all the sheds you can and kill the ones who chew on your find!