Shed Findings

Here are some pics of some sheds I have found this year (this is my first year shed hunting) , I apologize for not posting anything else I am working on it as I am a truck driver and my wife is the Air Force Recruiter and we have 3 kids that keep me supre busy. I will try to find the time to post everything I found or see like most of you do on here so I can contribute.
Ok a pic I had trouble posting the picture so I turned to my 16 year old daughter for help and she got it. I had a big ole post written out but is said the file was too big. In short, I just wanted to say that I have been coming to this site for awhile now but have never posted anything (I wonder why lol) and appreciate all the hard work ya'll do in getting such good pics of things you find or see. I am going to make every effort to try to not only get on here more but post all the things I find or see.
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Nice finds. Shed hunting is a great way to spend a day or two or 50 or 100. At least it is a healthy addiction. You know you have it bad when you start fantasizing about your next outing while you are soaking your aching muscles in a hot bath after a long day of hiking. I have been dreaming about my hike tomorrow for 2 weeks! Gonna hit my elk spot.
Yeh ever since I found my first shed I can't stop going out. I just got back home after I don't know how many miles of hiking, sore, tired and thirsty only found a very old broken up small 2pt and a small 3pt deadhead (1 quick photo for proof). It's amazing how addicting this is but yet it does keep me busy and in shape while I wait for the hunts to roll around. Sometimes when I am driving (my big rig) I found myself doing 40 in a 75mph zone just lookin at the fence line. I like what you can learn from shed hunting in that you can see what size of deer/elk are dropping and where during that time of year. Anyway I will post any pics of anything I find. You have some nice finds yourself and good luck to you.
Thanks for the pic kchesley, shed hunting is fun for sure!
Shed hunting is a great hobby, good exercise, beats the heck out of a tread mill. #-o
Nice bunch of Muley sheds and elk find. :thumb
Yeh that spike elk above the big elk shed I found by Panaca,NV. Took a long trip over there and spent all day because I had a freind that found 26 elk sheds the previous weekend 1/2 brown and 1/2 white. That spike, unfortunately, is all I found and it had blood and hair on it like it had just been dropped. Alot of tracks and signs in there but maybe I was too early or obviously in the worng spot where they would've dropped. I did see about 30 wild horses in there though. Oh well was an interesting hike amd good exercise.
I am destined to find the other side of that nice tall 3 point in the middle but I have hiked my butt off and haven't been able to find it, My freind found a huge 5 point brownie same area and we can't find the other side to it either, Guess that's what keeps ya goin back. I will probably see it when it is white. I did however buy a euro mount for a set I found and mounted it and didn't realize how big it was (26" wide 18" tall) it looks good. I have all the deer sheds I wan I just really want some more elk sheds gotta spot I'm goin to tomorrow I hope so maybe I will get lucky. I'll post pics if I do If not I will have my fishin pole and will post in the fishing forum lol.