Shed hunt turned scary!

Didn't get a picture with my latest scary find out shed hunting however... the story is irry!

While out shed hunting.. I came across some mule deer hair on a trail.. curiosity got the better of me and I followed the hair. I hiked about 50 yards to the base of a large pine tree and found a huge pile of muley hair. Not thinking, I searched around the tree looking for a perhaps dead mule deer... maybe a dead head.. As I looked I noticed around the tree, all the dirt was dug up. Confused, I wondered why. Then I noticed a pile of dirt about 10 feet from the tree. It was fresh. I grabbed a stick and dug into it. What I found sent chills running up my spine. There in the pile of dirt was a dead mule deer fawn.. had only been dead for a few hours. Just then a owl flew over me. now, being indian.. I know an owl is a symbol for death. Now I was really creeped out. I looked around me knowing I needed to leave immediatly. I grabbed my pack and stood up. Just then I hear a branch break above me in the tree. There above me was what had killed the fawn.. a huge Tom cat. Ever had the hair on the back of your neck stand up and get cold sweats? It was one of the most unconfortable feelings I had ever had. I thought of what to do next. I slowly backed up keeping an eye on the cat. I grabbed my sog knife. I told the cat.. 'I am pro cat, but if you come down.. your as good as dead.' He just looked at me as I backed up and out of the area. Once I was out of view, I hauled azz out of the canyon. The thought had crossed my mind why there were no deer in the area on previous excusions near the kill. I wasn't able to get pics, didn't think it would be smart to even try.
It was the first time I had ever been face to face with something that saw me as 'lunch'. What an experience!
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holy CHIT man that would suck worse than i can ever imagine im glad that you are ok and but that is a hell of a story to pull out at huntin camp
I agree! Great story. :thumb Now you have a tale to tell your grandchildren someday.
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I called my friend immediatly.. after I got far enough away. Told em what happened. I guess a guy had been cougar hunting in that same area all winter, but never did come across this cat. I was going to go back up with a tag, but the season had closed two weeks before. I'll know where to go next season though. It was only the second time I had seen a cougar in the wild. Just glad I wasn't on horseback. Would have been one heck of a ride. lol
thats a great story to tell the kids yrs down the road. i would be happy to be in that situation, cours i usually have my gun and a cat tag in my pocket:)
That Cat was up there thinking, Hmmm... what is my dinner doing poking at my lunch with a stick? lol
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One hell of a story. That definately would of made me check my drawers when i hit the truck.
I know the feeling ... almost. I was out shed hunting a couple of year ago with my then 6 year old. We didn't find any sheds, but came accross a fresh killed buck. It was a 22" 2 point. We went down to take a closer look. The cat that killed it had drug it up under a juniper. It was wedged in there pretty good. I wanted to see what the antlers looked like so I pulled it out to see. About that time I thought to myself, hey stupid! you've got your six year old with you and your messing with some cats meal. It was a pretty fresh kill. The gut weren't completely eaten yet. I pulled out my pistol and left the area as the sick feeling came over me that the cat is probably nearby watchin. Never saw the cat but did experience the raising neck hairs as you described.

PS. I was in the area again this year and thought I'd go check on the skull. The carcass bones were still there but a coyote or other had drug the skull off somewhere. Came across quite a few deer carcasses in the area. The cat ate well.
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It is a gut sick feeling to potentially be on the lunch menu. Now I know how Elk and Deer feel about humans. Worst part was that I had been in that area with my two year old daughter looking for sheds a couple times. Won't be going back with her. Only a tag and my rifle. :thumb
Going back up this weekend to look for more moose sheds. I'll see if the kill is still there and get some pics.
Awesome story! Definitely one you'll remember forever. I was in suspense just reading the story...and that only took about 30 seconds! :)) Thanks for sharing with us!
On last year's muzz hunt, my buddy went to show me where his cousin had taken a deer that morning; had a hard time finding the carcass. Finally found it all covered in dirt; I know that hair on the back of your neck feeling; fortunately both us have CCP's and had the heat handy, I don't like my chances with a muzzy, btw both of us had blood on clothes from the elk that the same cousin had just taken...not a good combination. [-o<
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Great story!!!!! I like killerbee would love to be in that situation cause i always have a firearm and a cat tag on me when in the woods.
Man, Thats unreal. I think I might start packing heat. :-k
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UPDATE: Went back to the area. No carcass to be found. We've had alot of rain so the area was back to normal. On a good note. There are deer in the area again. Cat must have wandered off. Saw four really nice bucks. One with alot of potential.