Shed Huntin' Dog Training.
12/31/07 1:22pm
Just got myself two labs and wanted to teach them to hunt sheds. So I started looking around on the web and found a couple of sites that might interest you other shed dog trainers.
Hope this is helpful. fatrooster.
Hope this is helpful. fatrooster.
Thanks for the info, I get mine on Jan. 7th and she will be about 7 weeks old or so then. I'm kinda clueless, so keep me posted. Sounds fun.
that I got in november and have been working with him for just a couple weeks. He already loved to retreive but had never been exposed to sheds prior to me. (adopted dog) I started by teaching him what a horn is and some simple toss or drop & retrieves and within just a couple days he would actively search the house for the shed(s) Now after just a couple weeks he comes to me and (asks) for sheds, presumably when he wants a reward. I am excited for the snow to leave the ground so we can do some better scenting excercises outside. Thanks for the links as well, some good info & it seems hard to find out there.
country looked good for sheds. Living in Denver it's a little bit far for me to go now though! How are the deer looking in your neck of the woods these days?
Sounds like you've got your lab going in a good direction and I can't wait to here how your shed hunting season goes with your new partner. Keep us posted on how it goes and I'll do the same. Goodluck, fatrooster.