Shed Huntin' Dog Training.

Just got myself two labs and wanted to teach them to hunt sheds. So I started looking around on the web and found a couple of sites that might interest you other shed dog trainers.

Hope this is helpful. fatrooster.
Buck Fever
Thanks fatrooster, was looking for more info. I will check them out. Trying to train my golden.
Here is another one.
I'd like to see more info and websites if anyone has any more. I'm getting a female yellow Lab in a couple of weeks. :thumb
muleymadness, goodluck with the new pup. I got a yellow 7 week old female and named her Daisy Duke. She started playing with the wifes Pomeranian and it got so rough that we were worried about the Pom's well being. So i went and got a chocolate female so that Daisy could pick on someone her owne size, same age from a different litter. Named her Daffney. They are now 10 weeks old and they play tug-o-war with the Pomeranian. The Pom loves it even though its kinda tough on him. They are a handful for sure. They love chewing sheds and anything else in thier path. I'm having a great time with them. fatrooster.

Thanks for the info, I get mine on Jan. 7th and she will be about 7 weeks old or so then. I'm kinda clueless, so keep me posted. Sounds fun.
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Good topic Rooster, I have a year and-a-half old chocolate american lab
that I got in november and have been working with him for just a couple weeks. He already loved to retreive but had never been exposed to sheds prior to me. (adopted dog) I started by teaching him what a horn is and some simple toss or drop & retrieves and within just a couple days he would actively search the house for the shed(s) Now after just a couple weeks he comes to me and (asks) for sheds, presumably when he wants a reward. I am excited for the snow to leave the ground so we can do some better scenting excercises outside. Thanks for the links as well, some good info & it seems hard to find out there.
I've learned a lot more about the website It is run by Roger Sigler who is at this time working on a book but already has a three disc CD set for sale for $59.95. He goes around the country performing seminars at Sportmans expos but is not coming West this year. Last year he was in Salt Lake City along with several other Western states so some of you may have already attended one of his seminars. I talked to him on the phone today about his CD set but could not find it on his website. If you are interested in his CD set you can reach him at (816) 289-1154. fatrooster.
Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.
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Great info fatrooster, might be some scratch well spent since I can't pony up $7000 for an already practiced pooch! Hey I used to haul bees down highway 50 thru Ely with my dad when I was a kid, & I always thought that
country looked good for sheds. Living in Denver it's a little bit far for me to go now though! How are the deer looking in your neck of the woods these days?
Solesearcher, the deer hunting is great here in Nevada at this time. You can find good bucks in just about every unit in the state. I consider Colorado to be the premier mule deer hunting spot of the world and I would say that Nevada is similar but on a much smaller scale. The Ely area is well known for great mulies and bull elk and has the reputation as being the best area in Nevada for trophy class animals. Up here in the Elko area we got some great potential ourselves.
Sounds like you've got your lab going in a good direction and I can't wait to here how your shed hunting season goes with your new partner. Keep us posted on how it goes and I'll do the same. Goodluck, fatrooster.
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I have been playing with my dog with sheds. Have not done any formal training or anything but she wants to chew on the horns when found or played with. Does anyone know if this is common or how to break her of this habit.