Shed Hunting AZ!

I posted a similar post a few weeks back but didnt have any dates at the time so I thought I might give it one more post. I am going to be in AZ for a few weeks as of the 5th of March. I just had shoulder surgery so the Army game me a month off. I really want to go shed hunting, if anybody is iterested. I wont be able to carry to much but it wont stop me from putting on the miles. I also have a pretty good eye. If nobody is interested thats fine I will be out there anyways, maybe I will see you there. I was born and raised in AZ and lived and hunted there until I joined the army, but for some reason have never hat the best of luck when it comes to sheds. Hopefully this time will be diffrent 4c .

take care everyone and good luck this season.


salxxute :222
Hopefully someone from AZ will pipe up. Thank you very much for your service to our country.
AZmulyhuntr, Good luck with your shed hunting. Hope to see some ATL's :thumb