Shed Hunting Time?

I'm new to shed hunting but I'm already addicted! I love that there is something like this during the "offseason" I have some spots to go so I'm not asking for anyone's honey holes or anything. But can you guys help me out with the timing a little. I've kinda heard like end of February for deer and end of March for elk? Is that right with what you guys have seen? Do you have anymore insight? Any other suggestions on timing? I would appreciate it!
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I took a drive last weekend, and saw a buck that had dropped one side already. I thought it was a little early, usually February seems to be the norm around here.
Yep, they're starting to shed now..
Saw a couple in Northern Az that dropped last weekend
Only a hand full of bucks have dropped but those seem to be the bucks everyone is seeing. Give it some time and let them shed. Majority are still packin
as he said.......let em drop their antlers and give em time.....that means don't harrase them, they are vulnerable and no need to damage next years possibilities
Went out yesterday and everything I seen was still packing.
Here in central Washington I think most have dropped already. I haven't seen one packing for a few days now. Seem to be finding quite a few sheds.
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Talked to a CO here in Utah yesterday, and he said the majority are still packing. He also said they are going to be stepping up patrols around critical wintering areas and checking for the permits. Just a heads up for everyone. It's hard to wait, but I think we owe it to everyone that hunts and the deer, to be patient and not go running them all over the hills for a couple of two point sheds. JMO.
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Yeah I think most bucks in Utah are still packin at least what ive been watchin, they should start anytime now though.