Shed Hunting Trip - 1st of 2013

Never been much of a shed hunter, but I enjoy getting out once or twice a year for a hike over the last 3-4 years.

Hiked until I couldn't walk anymore, couldn't find a fresh brown despite the fact it seem the majority of the bucks had all dropped. Still way better than sitting at home. :)

Found most of these sheds in one little area that apparently someone had missed over the years. Tough going out there, seen lots of peeps.

The old busted up buck would have been the biggest shed I've ever found, broke off 3 points and would have been a 7-point in his prime. Very old shed, but still heavy and dense despite the cracking/chalking.

Hope you enjoy! What's everyone else finding/seeing?

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Very nice that old one looks like a beast. I'm up to eleven so far 6 fresh and 5 old still need to hit a few spots kinda focusing on elk now though
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I have been out twice this year and found one older 2 point. Still a lot of snow on the ground. I went to one of my favorite spots and there was a foot of snow. I hit it for a few hours with my snow shoes but didn't find much of anything except evidence of a freshly poached buck. The other night 9 bucks passed through my neighborhood and 7 were still packing and one just had one side. Only one in the bunch had dropped both sides. I probably won't start hitting it hard for a couple of weeks. Let the snow melt and the horns hit the ground.
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Heres what ive been finding so far in 2013.. not many but still only finding freshies so i aint complaining.. theres one more antler i dont have a picture of but will soon.
Looks like a good trip to me! Got to love finding those sheds laying next to each other!
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I love finding those little pockets. You found more in the one trip than I have all year. I haven't found a brown, but I also haven't got skunked and I've picked up some decent whites so it hasn't bee all bad.
That's great Brett,

The adrenaline rush you get when you find a shed is almost as good as the one you get when you pull the trigger. I'm glad you had a successful outing.

My boy and I have only found one 3 point shed this year. It looks like it sat out for about 5 years. We're headed out tomorrow so hopefully I'll have some pics to share soon.
Nice Brett! Always cool stumbling on an area that you can tell has been untouched for several years, even if they aren't brown!

Sactribe, hope you reported to your local DWR office. Probably nothing would come of it, but you never know if the jerk poached another one in the area, and the DWR happened to have been in the area because of your never know :/ Too bad to hear though