Sheds on Lawns

Okay.. i have a problem with the deer around my area.. they love to hang out, feed, and bed on everybodys front lawns. Now that makes for some fine entertainment but golly i hate it when they drop their antlers right on their front lawns. now im asking to see what everybodys opinion is on what we as shed collectors should do then.. would it be wrong to jump up on their lawns and grab the freshly shedded horns? wouldnt it be time consuming and complicated to knock on everybodys doors and ask permission? im just wondering what y'all opinions are on that.. thanks. i look forward to posting my newest sheds of 2013. i have not gone out on a hike yet but should have a couple sheds by monday. happy shed huntin!
I wouldn't do would still have to trespass on some ones property-that could be a bad situation. I know I'd be a little ticked off if someone came into my yard for any other reason than to knock on my door or an emergency. A shed horn isn't worth it. If you see one in the yard, try knocking and asking.
"killerbee" wrote:I wouldn't do would still have to trespass on some ones property-that could be a bad situation. I know I'd be a little ticked off if someone came into my yard for any other reason than to knock on my door or an emergency. A shed horn isn't worth it. If you see one in the yard, try knocking and asking.
Exactly my thoughts :thumb
I agree with KillerBee. Would you want somebody to come onto your lawn and pick them up?
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Yea i agree with you guys i would rather go up and ask them if its right on their property. its always the right thing to do when u want to trespass on somones property and i always make sure i have the permission of the owners before going onto their land. but in the suburban areas sometimes theres sheds right at the edge of 2 or more properties or at a corner where they have bushes n signs with the neighborhood names and places where u cant tell whos property it is if anybody's.. it just pains me to see them just sitting there in the brutal weather conditions and deteriorating away under the sun turning white n chalky and they're some fine trophy sheds somebody else would really appreciate u know? and sometimes they find a shed in their yard or in their driveway and they pick it up and throw it right in the trash can or just leave it in a corner on their property that just kills me... i've even seen a 8pt nontypical shed sitting in the middle of a yard all chalked up... its simply too bad those deer have become suburban locals.. its all good tho plenty more sheds out in the open spaces and in areas where we are free to roam and thats where i enjoy shed hunting best. lets just hope one day they drop a nice shed on MY lawn.
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The yard is where some of my older sheds wind up. Those ones still look good from a distance as long as you don't inspect them too closely. I am surprised how long they last sitting out in the weather. Makes me wonder how old some of these chalk horns I find really are.