Sheep Pic.

Hey guys I am not a Ram expert by anymeans, but this guy looked big to me. What would a ram like this score? Seems I hear that 170" is a big ram. Does this guy go 170 or better?

he looks way huge to me too jeremy. :thumb
but I am no judge of sheep........ :-$
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Heavy horned nice length caries his mass all the way through and looks to be below the jaw line i would put him well over 170 I would guess 183 or soo But sheep can be very tricky to judge and it wouldnt be the first time I was way off. Great pic :) :) :)
This Ram from the same Gene Pool I believe went just over 173", so looking at both I say yours Jeremy is actually a bit bigger, (not sure on length) but seems to have greater mass to me.

So I say yours scores higher than that.
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Wow, thanks guys, he does look bigger then the 173" ram, all the way around. I'll bet the two of them have likely knocked heads before. Here are a few other pics of him, heavily cropped. But will give you experts a better idea on length of each horn.

Thanks for the input.
Wow nice ram!! I have been studying frantically on how to field judge these guys. Thanks a ton for sharing the picture. I can't get enough :))

My best guess is: 175 gross.

36.5"on length

15" on the bases

14" sec.

12" Third

10" Fourth
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I have no idea how to score rams.... he looks BIG though!
I have no idea, but he looks big to me. Maybe Ridgetop will look in and give us an idea.
Some more pics of the 173" Ram, still not sure Jeremy's has greater length?? But Jeremy's Ram is definitley bigger for sure IMO. But I don't know how to judge/score these amazing animals.
I think he would go in the low to mid 170s. Awesome looking ram.
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Great pics JDH as always. Well have to get together one of these days. 10sign:
That ram is a shooter for sure but you have pics of a ram that makes these two look like babies. Under your sheep category pics 38-43. I looked at these pics everyday last year until my hunt started hoping to find a ram like him, I'd say he's 180+