Shipping / Transporting Game

I'm a part of a big group headed up from Alabama to hunt Mule Deer this up and coming November. We all have tags. We're flying into Billing, MT. In the years past someone from our group drove up pulling a trailer containing out gear. This year we were not so lucky with volunteers. We're all flying. My question is, does anything know how we can ship our meat and antlers back
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Your totally screwed! No you are fine. If I shot something that I want mounted, I would just get a taxidermist there to mount it and then he will know how to package it and ship it. If I just want the horns, you can fly those home with you. The meat: freeze it and ship it with dry ice. Never done that yet tho so I'm not sure on how that will work. There will be plent of guys that will chirp in and tell you about shipping meet.
P.S. save roon in the budget for garden hose. You can cut 3 inch chunks on the antler tips to avoid those terrible luggage handlers from breaking your trophy.
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Most meat lockers will ship out the meat to you or you can donate your game to the hunters feeding the hungry program. Thats up to you. for a fee, most taxidermists will ship your hide and antlers to your preferred taximermist or mount the deer at their location. Thats up to you.
Back before the airlines become crooks with checked bagage fees, I would pack my gear in coolers and box up my gear and ship the gear home after the hunt and put he meat in the coolers and check them as luggage.