Shooter can still shoot

Well, I've been out in California for the last week and went down to the gun club where I used to shoot 1000yds. Even though the weather didn't help with drizzling rain and winds gusting between 0-7mph, I managed to cram 5, 105 A-max bullets into just under 10inches with the 6br at 1000. Then we got a break in the wind and I managed a 3inch 5 shot at 600 that would have been a lot better without one flyer. So far I haven't found a club that is set up for this kind of shooting here in Utah, but I have been too busy anyway. Felt good to break the 2oz trigger again and enjoy some good times at the range. picture from behind shows the 600yd target as the large burm and the 1000 targets up the hill. Great stuff.-----shooter
6mmBR Savage
Shooter as the shooter
Looking downrange at 600, 1000yds
Shooter have you looked at North Springs Shooting Range in Price Utah? I have only shot there once back in 2007 but it was nice. I beleive they had just finished it then. If I remember right they have a 1000 yard range.
Oh and if you ever make it out to North Carolina let me know cause if there is a match going on I can probably get you out on Hathcock range to get some shooting in. Anywho sound like you are still a great shot! Glad you had a good time.
Springville Shooter
Thanks Pete, I have been out to the range at Price now that you mention it, but it was a couple of years ago when I first moved out here and I don't think they had 1000yd facilities at that time. Have to check into that again though. Long range is a fun, but expensive game when shooting live stuff is not in season.-----shooter
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I like that range. Nice shooting too.
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The range down by Price (actually in Hiawatha) is great regardless of what you are wanting to shoot. In the summer they have a great 3-d archery set up as well.
Springville Shooter
I think I might be confused.... the range I went to was west of Helper up on the bluffs.....I thought that it was called the price gun club. Is there another range? where is Hiawatha?---shooter
Break down that rig for us,caliber,components ect...
Springville Shooter
Action is a Savage model 12 Right hand bolt/ left hand ejection port with bolt work done by cre'tan out of Colorado. Barrel is a 30in shilen with a 1-8" twist. Stock is a laminate by sharpshooter inletted and glassed. Trigger is a sharpshooter set to 2oz. Scope mounts and rings are Ken Farrel with a 20MOA base. Scope is a Nightforce 8-42 with a 50MM objective. Load is 6mmBR with 105 Hornaday A-Max bullets loaded in front of 30.3grns of varget powder for 2960 FPS. All the rich guys make fun of the Savage ......until they shoot against it. I highly recommend this action for serious varmint or target application. Ohh, and the heat shield is an old minblind with some velcro stick tabs.-------shooter
nice setup,how do you ike shilens barrels?Have you used them on other setups?
Springville Shooter
Honestly I only have had experience with three shilen barrels; one on a 338win that shot very marginal, one on a 280ackley that shot vey well and this one that shoots exceptionally well. I have a friend that swears by the shilen barrels for the Savage as he has had great luck with them in smaller/benchrest calibers. He has a 223ackley and a 308 set up the same way that both shoot very well. He consistantly places in the light gun 600yrd with the 223 and at 1000 with the 308. I have had good luck with barrels from shilen, douglas, Pac-Nor, Kreiger, and hart. The only lIlja I've ever had fouled bad, but I know guys that have had good luck with them as well. Never had a hart, but might try one someday.------shooter
Shooter Hiawatha is an old mine/mining town that is very close to the North SPrings shooting range.
I beleive you were at the right range. It was built recently and has the archery range, pistol range, cowboy action range, rifle range, ect. It is an awesome range IMO.
I have a custom built 308 with a Shilen barrel on it. I have had great results with it. It is the only Shilen I have has experience with though.
i was considering one for a 338 lapua build,nobody I know has any experience with one.
Springville Shooter
338 lapua is a great long range power gun. I shot one in a blaser and it was incredible. I considered it when I built my 338 ultra and picked the ultra because performance was nearly identical and RUM components are cheaper and easier. I also like the sharper shoulders on the Ultra mag case. Either of these cartridges will launch a bullet with a .600+ co-efficient at 3100+ FPS and thats an awesome combination. I had my scope made to shoot out to 1600yds and it will do it. At 800 yds I knock my steel plate out of the stands sometimes. The only drawback is that for me the recoil without a brake is too much to shoot accurately and the brakes are loud. But then again when you can shoot that far you have plenty of time to insert some earplugs if you want.-------shooter