Shooter tries his hand at flyfishing
Springville Shooter
10/11/09 10:58am
Well, with some help from Jeff, I tried my hand at flyfishing on the green river yesterday. I don't know an appropriate analogy for what I looked like, but monkeys and footballs come to mind. I hooked logs, I hooked Jeff's flyrod, and I hooked myself, but I did manage to miss the one fish that came up and sucked down my fly. Had a blast though and plan on trying it again. Thanks Jeff for the patience!----shooter

10/11/09 11:55am
Glad to see you made it home, you looked pretty beat last night.

10/13/09 7:21pm
I've only been flyfishing for two years and to the untrained eye(or any eye for that matter) the number of times I hang rocks, trees and inocent bystanders may loook like I don't know what I'm doing. It just thats it's easyer to match the hatch if you put your fly right next to the natueral food source and if my fly doesn't match up I can quickly snap it off and retie. I go through a lot of flys but it has increased my tieying speed.

Springville Shooter
10/13/09 7:36pm
Sweet, I'll tell people that's my stradegy too!---shooter

10/15/09 11:15am
I've got the fly rod loaded in the camper, I'm heading out in a few minutes. After we kill some bucks we'll have to new "strategy" thing another try. See ya tomorrow.