Shot these two bucks this afternoon.....

Well, shot them with my Canon that is. These two little bucks were out feeding in the yard this evening and then just started sparring. Not very hard, but when they got done one of them went over to a willow bush and raked it up and down with his antlers. It's unclear if he was the looser pouting, or if he was the winner showing off his deadly weapons. Anyways here's some pics.

Little 2 point allready getting some trash on his antlers. He'll be nice in a couple of years." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

This years buck fawn learning from the "pro's". You can jsut see his little nubs on his head. He's also the smallest fawn I have ever seen this late in the year." alt="" />
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Is that a hunter in the background of the second pic?
Great pics 79! I love watchin' the little ones "play". I watched small two raghorn bulls do the same thing two weeks ago...pretty entertaining. (Posted a pic of them in one of my threads)
Great photos!
"Justin" wrote:Is that a hunter in the background of the second pic?
Nope, just a rock painted orange to keep (or try to anyways) people from hunting on my parents property. If I had walked a little more to the right you could see 2 vehicles parked on the county road watching. I had to keep one eye on them while watching these bucks. The last thing I want is to be on the recieving end of a 30-06. (yes it's the same guys I complained about in another thread)