Should Utah Legalize the Crosbow for Hunting?
11/7/06 9:03pm
I would like some thoughts and opinions on legalizing the Crossbows use in Utah. Before you start to hack away consider looking at this first
Crossbow Myths and facts
Please read some information, educate yourself and if interested in pursuing this type of action "Legalizing the use of crossbows for hunting" Join crossbowhunting.nets forum and lets form a group to help educate folks at the rack meetings.
I posted this same question over on the DWR site and have cought some grief. I would love to see some real hunters opinions rather than a bunch of sheep. I can take no for an answer with good strong logic, or that you admit it's just a prefrence.
DWR Debate
Anyway My hope is to strike some common ground and not just argue. To use facts and not just opinions.
Let the fun begin :-k
Please read some information, educate yourself and if interested in pursuing this type of action "Legalizing the use of crossbows for hunting" Join crossbowhunting.nets forum and lets form a group to help educate folks at the rack meetings.
I posted this same question over on the DWR site and have cought some grief. I would love to see some real hunters opinions rather than a bunch of sheep. I can take no for an answer with good strong logic, or that you admit it's just a prefrence.
Anyway My hope is to strike some common ground and not just argue. To use facts and not just opinions.
Let the fun begin :-k
I do agree it is a close range like a bow & arrow. However, so is a shotgun loaded with buckshot and/or a flintlock. Would you allow those weapons in the Archery Only season as well? Of course you wouldn't.
I think there is a place for crossbows in the hunting community. Perhaps a primitive weapon season or a HAM (handgun, archery, muzzleloader) type season would be more applicable. But it doesn't belong in the "archery only" season, IMO. It's simply not a bow & arrow.
First off, great topic and discussion. I'm undecided on this one for a couple of reasons still. First off I did educate myself and READ ALL of your link with the myth/facts of crossbow hunting. So I can see your point of view.
My question to you is I understand your limitations and why you use a crossbow (no problem whatsoever), but what I'm curious about is why do you want them legalized in Utah? Not being rude or judgemental, just really need to know why you feel they should be??
Are they more superior to you? You just like them better? There funner? Cooler? Easier? Your use to them?
Or is it that you killed a MONSTER buck with one and now are addicted? :)
Do we need another weapon to hunt with? And if they are similar to a bow/arrow then what's the point?? Why do we need them at all?
I need to clarify that I have limited use and knowledge of bow hunting and am a rookie in that regard, but hope to improve and gain experience.
I also know nothing about crossbows really until I read your article posted, and before that the only thing I've heard is that they (crossbows) are more accurate at farther distances than traditional bows.
So I'm trying to ponder your idea with an open mind, thus no vote for me yet. I'll admit my first reaction was to vote no.
I'd also like to know WHY UTAH has banned them?? Is there someone that could give us the reason for doing so from there standpoint. Or is our answer going to be the "public...does not want them."
I've not yet chosen to dive into the DWR thread yet either, not sure I want to. :)
Just a little history first
I don’t know if you ever heard of this little Native American guy by the name of Fred Bear, but he got involved with this Jennings fellow and came up with some pretty good improvements on the compound bow. In the mean time the guy with the little fedora hat, started promoting the concept of the two season hunter both bow and gun, never berating the latter. However, many a gun hunter didn’t want the Bow hunters around and the traditional Bow hunters chimed in as well to do away with the compound bow. No real logical reason, just being against something was good enough, perhaps they just wanted the woods all to themselves. Ever hear that one before?
But Fred Bear kept the faith, with patience and education while leading by example in the finest sense of the word. The compound bow was legalized in all states and Bow hunting hit the limelight. This would include our own local bow hunting founders who helped in the state of Louisiana, the Bayou State Bow hunters. But be advised at present time there is no real threat to bow hunting in the state of Louisiana, but this misguided group have convinced themselves that the crossbow will cause the demise of all bow hunting. Notably, the longest archery season in the nation, is in the Sportsmen Paradise.
Now one could say that the recurve, or long bow are different than a compound. As is a crossbow. I agree maybe the step is to go with a separate season, or allow them during the muzzleloader season, But your argument on the shotgun and the flintlock are not a fair comparaison. Both use powder and some form of bullet, not arrows.
My reasoning is I was forced to educate myself about crossbows and really understand it's actual capabilities. Once that happened, I could not understand why they had not been legalized in the first place. In the past 10 years of using one I have shot 3 bucks. It took me many years to develop my skills to take an animal with my bow. The odds IMO are the same as any other archery tackle. So why not legalize it.
Many states have legalized the Crossbow and I bet most did not know that it's legal in Wyoming.
It is not going to ruin the archery season. Facts show that those who get to choose a weapon will still do so as they wish, log bow, Re-curve, or compound, or Crossbow. It's about choice.
No I do not think they are superior, just the opposite, I view them as equal.
The one argument that comes up many times is the drawing of the bow. First off this is not the only reason their is an archery season. Second We could counter back and forth all day about plus and minus advantages. When an animal approaches and you have to pull back, I have to position for my shot, both have movement involved. Now if the argument is that it's tough to hold for 3 minutes to make a good shot, then all bow hunting should be outlawed because clean ethical shots is a standard rule in hunting and that situation allows for bad shot placement. Now before you get worked up, I don't believe that, but it's the same style of argument.
I know I will take heat for this but I believe in it. It's taken 10 years of field experience to prove to me it's a worthy cause.
The above statement is totaly my opinion and my opinion only.
BOHNTR, I disagree that a crossbow is not a bow, but that's our opinions. Just a little info for you.
MYTH: Because it is not hand-drawn and released, the crossbow is more closely compared to a firearm than a vertical bow.
FACT: Opponents to the crossbow often quote an apples and oranges comparison when voicing this smokescreen. The vertical archer, if they are a sportsman/bowhunter, prior to ever going into the field hunting spends hours and hours working on the physical conditioning required by drawing, aiming and shooting their chosen tool – nothing mystical, just physical work. Once the season starts, the act of drawing, aiming and shooting (especially with high let-off compounds utilizing a triggered release aid) is no more difficult for a vertical bowhunter than a crossbow hunter. Movement is required by both (one to draw back the other to raise the crossbow into a shooting position) to obtain the target at an average of less than twenty yards. Both hunters must be accomplished woodsmen to get that close to wild game and still mask those necessary movements.
I don't expect you to agree, but those same arguments on drawing a bow back have be proven untrue and hold little merit in real world situations.
Here in MO the same question has come up. Most people I know are against it. As for most peoples reasons, most likely it is "just because".
I would have to vote NO. My main reason is I think it will bring more hunters in to the woods during archery season. This is just a IMO. I have hunted public gound twice this year (in archery season) and both times have been run over by other hunters. Some arguments are that the number of hunters will stay the same. Hunters will just trade one wepon for another. Could be. But if they are trading gun for crossbow during archery season then my reason is valid. Not a good reason to vote no but most elections are not won by good reasons.
I think also one reason many people her in MO are agains it. Is because the push to legalize it is by the manufactures not a group of users. They see this as manufactures are trying to replace the lagging sales of bows with crossbows. If there were a group of users pushing I think people would be more acceptable.
The movement argument. I had one person say that if he used a crossbow he would set up a blind where he could lay on the ground and shoot from a pron postion. the crossbow would be virtually in the shooting position all the time. Therefore no movement. I very rairly have a deer spot me when moving to get a gun in place. But many times with a bow. The main reason is that with a gun I get the gun up when they are over 50 yards out. you could do that with a crossbow also. But with a bow I don't think about drawing until they are under 20 yards. I use a long bow and can not hold it long enough to let them walk in. Last weekend I had a deer at 5 yards and could not get the bow drawn without detection. Disapointed that I did not get a shot Yes but that is my choice.
The main reason to hunt with a bow is to spend more time in the woods and get close to deer. If I want the meat I would use a gun (and many times that is a flint lock). Personal choice.
Bottom line. WE as hunters need to stick to gether no matter what wepon we chose. If we do not we will LOSE our hunting rights/privilages. We are the manority and the ANTI's will use these segregations agains us.
Will read this thread with interest.
FACT - A crossgun is NEVER drawn by the shooter. It is "cocked", and many times ratcheted back by a cocking device.
Fact - A crossgun's draw weight is NEVER physically held by the shooter.....NEVER. ** Very importance difference**
FACT - It is equiped with a shoulder & forearm stock, shouldered like a rifle, and launced by means of a mechanical attached trigger system....just like a rifle. And by the way, they don't shoot arrows......they're bolts. :)
FACT - Many (not all) are and can be equipped with an optical scope.
No sir, I will NEVER support this issue. In fact, I sit on the my state archery committee and lobby this issue continually. Our state F&G has agreed with us 100%.
As a senior member in P&Y and official measurer, I also support the Club's position on not allowing them in ANY archery only season.......Quite simply, by definition.....they are NOT a bow & arrow.
However, having said that, I'm not against long as they're in the general or primitive season.
Compounds can also be equipped with a scope, but as with Utah law you can not use one on either weapon.
MYTH: Because it is not hand-drawn and released, the crossbow is more closely compared to a firearm than a vertical bow.
FACT: Opponents to the crossbow often quote an apples and oranges comparison when voicing this smokescreen. The vertical archer, if they are a sportsman/bowhunter, prior to ever going into the field hunting spends hours and hours working on the physical conditioning required by drawing, aiming and shooting their chosen tool – nothing mystical, just physical work. Once the season starts, the act of drawing, aiming and shooting (especially with high let-off compounds utilizing a triggered release aid) is no more difficult for a vertical bowhunter than a crossbow hunter. Movement is required by both (one to draw back the other to raise the crossbow into a shooting position) to obtain the target at an average of less than twenty yards. Both hunters must be accomplished woodsmen to get that close to wild game and still mask those necessary movements
Let me ask this, why so hell bent on not allowing Crossbow during "apparently" your season? What would the so terrible outcome be?
Again, I'm not opposed to crossguns. But I'll ask you the same question. What would the terrible outcome be if they were allowed during the primitive weapon and/or muzzleloader season?
As far as the Archery heritage, I believe in our HUNTING heritage. Pretty much the same thing, the only difference is I make no judgments, not saying you do, for what weapon a person chooses to use.
Also many many states are now allowing the use of the crossbow and it will continue to grow. Even the ATA has a Crossbow subcommittee now :-$ Working on these very issues. Like I said I am not opposed nor have I suggested what season they be made legal, just that they be made legal.
Don't count too much on the ATA......A LOT of pressure has been applied there and considerations and other options are currently being sought.
On a side note, I like the civil way you have approached this topic with me and others. It was refreshing and appreciated, even though I won't change my mind. :)
haha. i thought it was gonna get violent for a
:333 :arrow
Caint weall get along
General season weapon, maybe. BUt not during the archery season.
My vote was no.