Sitka Camo

I need new camo, and what's a better time to ask for it than Christmas. I have been looking at the Sitka Camo. I live in Idaho and hunt archery and rifle in the sage area's.
Based on experience, what camo pattern is best for the sage area's and for bow hunting?
I'm not concerned so much with rifle, but bow camo is very important. What are your experiences with it and what do you recommend? It's usually anywhere from 60-85* during bow season. I like the Optifade, but I'm not sure how it will work in wheat stubble and dead grass area's.
Thanks in advance!!!
I have pieces of Sitka in both the Optifade and the Mothwing. I really like the look of the Mothwing and I also like how, with the gray and greens, it seems to blend in most places. I guess the Optifade works too, but I just personally don't like it as much.
For those temps, you should buy the Ascent pants. The 90% clothing is way too hot. A few weeks ago, Cabelas had the Ascent pants on sale, so check there.
It doesnt have anything to do with patterns, but you should check out they have some great deals on the sitka stuff. Its one of those deal a day style websites, but they have sitka stuff on their pretty regularly.
Once you decide on a pattern, they may be able to save you some big bucks...
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Thanks! I just checked them out and they have outstanding deals! I'll be checking daily to see what they have in.

From what I have been reading, the Optifade is better for longer distances and the M.W. Mimicry is better for closer in.

Has anyone else ever heard of this?
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I like Natural Gear out west. The open earth-tone pattern disappears and never looks dark in the distance like some others do.
An employee in a sporting goods store told my brother today that Sitka is discontinuing the Mothwing. Watch for it to go on sale in the next few weeks.
Mularcher has had sales and decent selection of Sitka in the past
"I'm not sure how it will work in wheat stubble and dead grass area's."

sorry this had me laughing a little bit. my question is why would you spend that kind of money on something you are going to hunt in wheat stubble fields and grass. Sitka gear is made for the guy that wants light weight gear to lighten his load while trying to get into the back country. lol Dont take it the wrong way just giving you a noogie

enough said and on with your question. Last year in the bookcliffs we had several brand name camo patterns probably 10 in all. A friend of mine was trying to see which camo he liked the best. So during the afternoon he had me put on the camo and walk through the trees, sage brush, oak brush, grass, quakies, ect. We filmed for over an hour with the gl2 camera and then went inside to watch it on the television. What we found out is the predator camo was the best over all but built cheep. Then it was followed by by asat. Asat did break up the human form but it just didnt blend in like the predator. we liked sitka moth wing next. but I wold take it over asat and predator because of its functionality. The sentloc products were lousy as well. But the worst was prairie ghost it stood out like a flashing beacon in everything even the sage.
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No worries. I hunt Traditional Archery on Private land and Public Land. 20 yard shots and under. If I get skunked on the public, I head to the private ground. I need something that is compatible for both. On a side note.. those Private land bucks are just as hard to hunt as public land bucks when the private land boarders public land.
I just took a better look at the Mothwing and the Optifade. Tough call. I think the Optifade will work better in the lighter colored brush.
Lots of sales going on now!! Heck even stingy Sportsmans has them at 30% off. Shocking!

Thanks for the input!
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The Optifade is created to fool a deers eyes, not a humans. Their color spectrum is significantly different from ours (way more limited), so camo that works good on us doesn't necessarily work the best on a deer.

However, movement is still the biggest issue..... I'm sure Mothwing will work fine in a wheat field... ;-)