skunked so far
10/20/09 2:36pm
This year has been crazy for me. Due to work I haven't had much time for hunting. I didn't draw either and i'm pretty disappointed in general units here in Idaho. A buddy from work has had some luck in a short range weapons only, either sex general unit since opening day. I guess i shouldn't say he's had luck. He's seen quite a few and shot at a couple but missed them. I got a few days off finally so I went with him this morning. Half way to the spot he told me he hasn't seen anything in a few days but he also hadn't gotten out until mid morning. Since we were well on our way there at 6am I hoped being there before sun up would change that. It didn't. We didnt see a dang thing. There was a ton of fresh sign, none of it looked more than a couple hours old, but nothing that resembled a deer showed itself. Its been rainy the last couple days and was a bit chilly this morning. The clouds are clearing up now though and the temp is coming up a bit. We're going back out in a couple hours to try our luck in a different area with the rifles. I'm a bit bummed that this year has been a bust. Usually i have plenty of time to go and the only reason I don't bring anything home is I can't find something big enough to suit my liking. This year if I get something in the crosshairs its going in the freezer. It's been far to long without a good venison steak to be picky. Wish me luck. Hopefully i'll be posting pictures tonight.
Here's hoping you can fill your freezer with some Idaho goodness.