skunked so far

This year has been crazy for me. Due to work I haven't had much time for hunting. I didn't draw either and i'm pretty disappointed in general units here in Idaho. A buddy from work has had some luck in a short range weapons only, either sex general unit since opening day. I guess i shouldn't say he's had luck. He's seen quite a few and shot at a couple but missed them. I got a few days off finally so I went with him this morning. Half way to the spot he told me he hasn't seen anything in a few days but he also hadn't gotten out until mid morning. Since we were well on our way there at 6am I hoped being there before sun up would change that. It didn't. We didnt see a dang thing. There was a ton of fresh sign, none of it looked more than a couple hours old, but nothing that resembled a deer showed itself. Its been rainy the last couple days and was a bit chilly this morning. The clouds are clearing up now though and the temp is coming up a bit. We're going back out in a couple hours to try our luck in a different area with the rifles. I'm a bit bummed that this year has been a bust. Usually i have plenty of time to go and the only reason I don't bring anything home is I can't find something big enough to suit my liking. This year if I get something in the crosshairs its going in the freezer. It's been far to long without a good venison steak to be picky. Wish me luck. Hopefully i'll be posting pictures tonight.
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Forgot to add. The monster i've been chasing the last couple seasons has come up missing. Didn't see him at all in my scouting this year. My best guess is he was taken late season last year. OR maybe he died of old age, or moved somewhere else. I'm disappointed that I never did get a chance at this buck. I'm quite certain he would have taken the Idaho State record. In the same token I feel blessed to have had the chance to observe him. Many people never even see a buck of this caliber. I only wish i had gotten close enough to him at one point to snap a picture.
Good luck, how big is/was the monster?
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by best estimate through bino's and spotting scope he's 30"+ wide and would probably green score in the 230's. This buck was just plain huge. A big ol desert muley. I know its hard to believe but this ol boy was a monster.
Any pic's or video of that monster you could post?
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Good luck, don't give in!!!
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Good luck to you. Idaho was tough hunting for me this year also. Missed two on the run and got beat by some smaller bucks and only one "dandy" that I spotted on private property... just one of those years I guess. Just about every Idaho muley I've tasted has been absolutely great.

Here's hoping you can fill your freezer with some Idaho goodness.