Small bucks

Found these guys tonight along with my first FREAK it was still in velvet real willowy but had junk every where here are a few pics
This guy was busted off at the bases
I do think you need a better camera lol those would be some awesome pictures if they were just a little more clear.
Low light is tough also, thanks for the photos. Any of the "freak"?
Clear enough to see that the last buck is a keeper. :thumb
Are you seeing these guys on KUC property?
one hunting fool
looks like the Zoo to me. i would say ATK (the zoo)
The second one from the bottom is kennocott and the others are from Herriman i went out again tonight to find the freak but he wasnt around i did see a a bunch of two points a few three points and a big four point that i see almost every night tonight he was bedded down in the church bushes maybey he is religious he is always there or right around there its amazing how these bucks loose all there common sense during the rut there all over in the streets like nothing and when you honk they hardley move im just enjoying this why it lasts soon it will all be houses and the deer will move somewhere else ](*,)
Is there much hanging around the mouth of Butterfield? Several years ago there were some monsters there.
Does and and a few small bucks are hanging around there and thats about it i see more bucks comeing off the camp williams mountains into herriman and my back yard
"MuleyMadness" wrote:Low light is tough also, thanks for the photos. Any of the "freak"?

I took some but they didnt show up ](*,) i talked to the farmer tonight that owns the house right by him and he said that deer has been around the last few years and the antlers are due to the soldiers messing with the deer on camp williams ground :-k
I wonder what they could be doing that would cause that? That dosnt sound quit rite to me.
He said that when a deer is injured they will grow wierd like that but ill have to do same research pretty much what he said is that they have injured them by hitting them with vehicles and shooting with rubber bullets ect ect ect also some other gross stuff like removing testicles and stuff maybey he is BSing me but who knows i used to ride my four wheeler all over on the camp williams side and never seen a freak but i seen a ton of huge bucks