Smith and Edwards Gun Auction
one hunting fool
1/22/09 4:41pm
I don't want anyone to go to the gun auction this year!!!!!!!! =;
I am low on funds and the fewer the bidders the better lol
Seriously anyone planning on heading up? There are a few guns I would like and one I need but an unexpected bill came up (damn Dr's wanna be paid cash instead of chickens! or a good pig what’s wrong with a good pig?) so maybe I get the one I want maybe it has to wait another few months.
Anyway it really should be a good time. I have gone every year for 5 years and they just keep getting better.
But don't tell no one :-$
I am low on funds and the fewer the bidders the better lol
Seriously anyone planning on heading up? There are a few guns I would like and one I need but an unexpected bill came up (damn Dr's wanna be paid cash instead of chickens! or a good pig what’s wrong with a good pig?) so maybe I get the one I want maybe it has to wait another few months.
Anyway it really should be a good time. I have gone every year for 5 years and they just keep getting better.
But don't tell no one :-$
i hope he buys me something [-o<
I talked to the wife and maybe we can swin the gun I need (muzzle loader) it's for her. She wants to try her hand at the muzzle loader this year. I am looking for a good Varmit rifle. but that may have to wait till next year. :>/