Smoked Pork!

Here's a few porkchops I got on public land in the last year...I'm shooting a .50 cal T/C triumph with an omega scope,and a 250gr shockwave with 150gr of pyrodex pellets." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
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I haven't seen that many hogs since I moved out of FL. Good looking hogs.Some darn fine shots from the looks of those holes. Thanks for shareing the photos.
Wow that is a lot of hogs! :thumb
one hunting fool
Nice shooting! i have been dying to give hog hunting a try. since you hunt them tell me. do the taste good? I love pork. but i am not sure if wild hog is good or stringy and tough
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Thanks guys!
"one hunting fool" wrote:Nice shooting! i have been dying to give hog hunting a try. since you hunt them tell me. do the taste good? I love pork. but i am not sure if wild hog is good or stringy and tough
Yes sir they me anyways!It's all in the way you cook it.We make BBQ,grill it,and I fry backstraps up all the time.We love it!If you ever wanted to come way over here to GA and give 'em a shot....You just pm me,and I will help you out.
one hunting fool
haaaa watch it i may take you up on that. my brother is moving to GA this year i may have to hit him up for a place to stay. we could swap hunts. problem is there are way more hogs than deer and elk combined in utah. :-k
All in one year? Dad gum, impressive. So I assume there's no limit on them. :thumb
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This pics really cool, good job!" alt="" />
Looks like snow on the ground in the your pic with the brown hog... I didn't think it snowed in Georgia. Makes me wish we had some good hog huntin around here.
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"MuleyMadness" wrote:All in one year? Dad gum, impressive. So I assume there's no limit on them. :thumb
I took those 11 hogs during a 4 month period..from November 2009 to Feb 2010 I'm back to using a rifle now.We have certain times we must use muzzleloaders on the different pieces of land I hunt.

"one hunting fool" wrote:haaaa watch it i may take you up on that. my brother is moving to GA this year i may have to hit him up for a place to stay. we could swap hunts. problem is there are way more hogs than deer and elk combined in utah. :-k
LOL..yeah we have alot of hogs..I doubt I could ever even draw a tag in utah,but you give me a hollar when you do come this way.I love hog huntin,and I like to help people out too.If you want to go just let me know.

"Loafer" wrote:Looks like snow on the ground in the your pic with the brown hog... I didn't think it snowed in Georgia. Makes me wish we had some good hog huntin around here.
That was the first snow we have had down here in my part since wanted so bad to track em in the snow,but it had already melted too much by daylight.I wanted a pic with snow in it bad,and pushed myself too hard.I missed a nice boar after daylight,but got that sow shortly afterwards.I found the last little bit of snow and got a pic.

Thanks guys!
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Awesome! I live in VA and have wanted to go down to SC or GA to do some hog huntin. Do yall have public land thats got a good amount of hogs or is it confined mostly to private land?