Smoking Pheasant?
11/7/09 10:11pm
Just wondering if anyone has ever tried to smoke pheasant? I have a bunch of meat and would like to try smoking it. If you have tried it before, what was the marinade that you soaked the meat in?
I usually smoke a turkey breast or two for Thanksgiving (YUM!). You may try this too with your Pheasant. Soaking it in a Brine will both cure the meat before smoking and help it lock in natural moisture.
First you brine the meat for 3 days. After the meat has soaked, smoke using a "Hot Smoke method" (250ºF smoke temp inside smoker) for about 3 - 4 hours (depending on mass of bird.) or until the internal temp of the meat reaches 165ºF. Smoking a Turkey breast usually takes about 2 hours per pound, this time may vary with Pheasant though. I have found that using Cherry or Apple wood results with the best smoke flavor. Also, soaking your wood chips with apple juice and letting them dry before using them will really liven up the smoke too. Sorry, Ive never really done a Pheasant before, I think Ill give it a try now though that I type this out. Not trying to make you the "Guinea pig" on this, Ive just never tried. Anyway, if you do decide to smoke it this way I'd love to hear how it turned out!
Brine recipe:
1 Cup Kosher Salt
1 Cup Brown Sugar
2 Gallons Water
2 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar
3 Tbsp Pickling Spice
4 Bay Leaves
1 Tbsp Black Pepper Corns
1 Whole Onion (White or Yellow IMO adds best flavor)
Bring all ingredients to a boil and then let cool. After brine is luke warm add 10 Lbs Ice and 2 more gallons of cold water & submerge turkey, place in refrigerator (using a cooler also works well for me if its kept in the shade). After 3 days of soaking in brine, use a hot smoke method as described above.