I'll admit it, I am terrified of snakes. The last three times I have been out shed hunting I've found more snakes than sheds. Not good! 4 Huge Bull snakes and A rattler. One of the Bull snakes currled up like a rattler and hissed at me for 3 minutes.. I was 2 feet from him. I think I wet myself on that one. What do you guys wear around the lower part of your legs if your wearing shorts, to protect from possible snake bites? Do they make special gator's?
I'm not going back out until I have a pair. A pair of gator's that is. lol
I hear ya.....nothin cool about snakes. I think about it everytime I am out. Never seen one in the low country but I have on the ridge below a 10,000 foot peak.
I love snakes, they do so much good for us most have no idea. Best thing to do is watch your step and give a clear berth when you see one.
They make snake boots and snake chaps you get them through Cabelas and some other retailers
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I'll have to get on Cablea' and look for a pair. I don't kill bull snakes, but they have got to stop mimicing the rattlers so dang well. I grew up in Missouri, so I'm used to copper heads and cotton mouths. Now those are terrifying snakes. Makes the rattler look like a poodle. :>/
Ran into a couple of snakes myself a couple of weeks ago. Haven't been out since. I have an appointment to get my dogs antisnake venom shots at the vets office tomorrow. Also looking at snake boots. fatrooster.
I usually let snakes live especially bull snakes. We have very few bull snakes on our place, almost every snake we see are rattlers. Rattlers die! I kill every rattler I can. I use to let them live once in a while but no more. They might do some good but not compared to the damage they do to people, cattle & horses. :tz
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ANTI SNAKE VENOM SHOTS??? do they really work where i live all we have are bulls and gardners so its not a big deal to me but i have friends that live around Sterling and there are rattlers out there. but we used to kill them everychance we had i AM NOT a fan of snakes at all a gardner will make me scream like a little girl and run just never liked them. but seriouslt if that shot works if i could get the info on it so i could pass it on that would be great
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hahah yea josh bout cried when i told him i was gonna stick like 4 snakes in his bed when hes sleepn hahah