Sneekee's 2010 Season

Well I am back from my two wonderful weeks back west. I am really looking forward to 2011 when I get to stay home rather than come back East.
I had my buddy Jeremy and his Dad and brother to "guide" this year. They are from Missouri and had never been out west before. They all had deer muzzy tags along with my dad. I appologize in advance for no pics yet. Due to airline baggage prices I had to leave my camera at home. So i am at the mercy of my friends and Dad for pics of the hunt.
I leave you with this question... Would you like the story without pics now or wait for the pics with the story?
oh, thats mean.

after last years killer post with pictures i'd love that one again, but now you have me curiose and i just want to know how it went?

it's like asking a kid 2 weks before christmas: do you want me to tell you what your going to get, but you cant have it for 2 weeks lol

but i never was very patient, so how bout' a quik story, with pics to come later?

nooo, better wait for the pictures.

nooooooo, i want to know about your hunt.

NOOOOOOO, i want to wait for the pictures--

ah crud, i dont know, what does everyone else want :-k lol
Story now, ad pics when available.
Yeah story now. If you add pics then I would just skip the story and look at the pictures first then read about the hunt later. This will help build the anticipation.
I want the story WITH THE PICS! Tease!!!
September 21st found Me my wife and my son Easton back west to visit family and friends and of course get into the mountains for my annual mountain therapy that keeps me sane throughout the year.
We were able to visit with both my family and my in-laws for our first to days home. It was great to see everyone and catch up but I was too antsy to sit around in town too long. So on the 23rd we were off to the mountain to set up camp for my friends and dad's Muzzy hunt.
We arrived at our camp site in the early afternoon and were able to set up our new Davis Wall tent along with all of the other necessities. That evening while the girls and my son got a fire going I looked around a little bit to try and find some animals. It was just too warm and the full moon didn't help at all so nothing was seen.
That night however we all awoke to the seranading of the rutting elk all through the drainage we were in. All in all I was able to distinguish four different bulls that night who greeted us with hearty bellows as they challenged one another in the moonlight. I layed in my sleeping bag and took a deep breath of the cool refreshing mountain air and new I was where I belonged for at least a little while.
September 24th:
I awoke to a crisp beautiful morning with a Chill in the air. I crawled out of my bag and got the fire going in the wood stove. I unzipped the tent flap and stepped out to accomplish my morning ritual. As soon as I came out of the tent there were three deer standing 30 yards away on the ridge above me trying to figure out who the intruder was! What a great way to get up I thought to myself!
After some good coffee with some bacon and eggs to fill us up we were on the road to try our hand and a little fishing. (Since I've been in the Marine Corps I've only been fishing at home twice so this was a real treat)
On our way to the fishing hole we spotted plenty of does and fawns and came across a small 3 point. As we rounded one turn in the road I caught a blurr movement to our left. As I looked I new it was a cow elk. As I try to ease on the brakes we got behind some trees just as a Bull jumped up out of his wallow mudd dripping off and alarmed! I through the ole rig into reverse to try and catch another glimpse of this amazing act we had happened onto. As i bakced up there he was walking across the small meadow heading for the quakies. As I rummaged for my camera he slipped into the safety of the trees and into our memories with no photo evidence. The bull was a 310 ish 6x6. For the record our it was the first time my wife, sister, and son had ever heard a bugling elk and the first time they had seen on in a wallow! What an amazingly lucky two days so far!
Spetember 25th:
We found our selves in town again visiting family and waiting on the arrival of my Friends. Jeremy and I served over seas together. He and his Dad and Brother were all abel to draw Muzzle Loader tags this year along with my Dad. I did not have their luck in the drawings lol.
Anywho I was supposed to be with my father in-law on one of his Pronghorn excursions this day unfortunatley it did not happen. Since I was not there I cannot steal his thunder and tell his story. So to make a long story short he smoked a B&C book buck!!! I am trying to figure out how to upload the pics I have of the buck off of my phone so please bare with me.
Alright sorry for the poor quality of these pics but they are all I have.
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sweet buck!Congrats =D>
Great buck :thumb
That's a nice goat there.

It's also an awesome story so far. =D>

Can't wait to hear the rest of it.
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Sounds like you all really enjoyed the time and the hunt.
Congratulations on the buck.
very cool! sounds like you had a great trip!!
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Thats a awesome goat!
After all the congradultions to my Father in-law I went over the list I had prepared for everything that still needed to be hauled to camp. Jeremy and his kin arrived around 11 pm that night and we all settled in for a restless night of sleep.
September 26th we all woke early and hit the road to the nearest place that would be open on a Sunday so they could get their fishing licenses. So we spent an hour on the road and were able to get them set up to fish and some extra groceries that we needed.
As soon as we returned to the house we finished packing the trucks and up the canyon we went!By 2 PM we were at camp again and getting everything set up for comfort.
Once everyone was settled in I told them what the plans were for opening morning at that point and Jeremy and Jared his brother went one way to glass; and Scott (his dad) and I went another.
During that evening Scott and I spotted 28 does and fawns 0 bucks and one 320 class bull with his harem of 15 cows. As we were talking I informed him that the buck we had planned for him to hunt actually lived on one of the skyline passes above camp. He refused to beleive me as I did my best to convince him.
As we all returned to camp we learned that Jeremy and Jared hadn't seen a single deer! These flatlanders really needed my Dad's help and soon.
The plan for the hunt was for me to take Scott and my dad to take the younger guys. This is due to my ankle surgery and Scott having bad knees. Turns out we made a heck of a team for the first little bit! :thumb
September 27th:
We awoke to a warm morning without hearing any elk action throuhgout the night. As I was preparing some Bacon Eggs and hash brown breakfast I told Scott he should walk up the hill next to camp and glass the skyline for his buck. Wouldn't you know it right there below skyline there was that beautiful 26" 4x4 feeding in his secluded pocket! Boy did that get those boys excited!!!!!
Once the buck was bedded and breakfast was eaten we headed for one of the fishing holes. We arrived a little after prime time but again we were blessed! We nailed em for a good 2 hours before we decided to move to another hole do to heavy 4 wheeler traffic. This was the first time they had ever caught any trout and boy they sure caught a lot! They were even able to hook a couple Rocky Mountain Cut-Throats whish are native and usually very hard to catch!
Great buck, love the mass =D>