Snow stopping Shed Hunting

Anyone else had to put shed hunting to a halt due to the wicked spring weather we've been having? We haven't been able to go out for over a week due to new snow and cold temps. Not to mention it is slicker and muddier than red clay. No breaks in the weather soon as far as we can tell. I hate spring snowstorms! :>/
in the last two days i have had about 6 inches of snow accumualte on my truck and my friends said the slopes got 21+ inches.
:>/ :>/ :>/
Yep, same here in NE Nevada. fatrooster.
After posting my comment a thunder storm rolled in and was shaking the dorm complex it was so close/loud. It then proceeded to drop hail and at one point they were almost the size of popped popcorn!!!
probably another inch on the ground.
The Ox
o quit the whining its gonna do a lot of good!
We are very dry here. Early Spring. ::wel
On a recent shed trip we could see that there was two to three week old deer sign at the bases of sagebrush. There was three feet of fresh snow covering most of the area. We are certain that there are a dozen good antlers under that snow. We just got more snow so who knows when we'll get to the treasures.

Per Oxes comment about it doing good, what does every one think will affect the deer and elk more. The harsh winter or the wet spring. I know the southern half of Utah has been hammered. I'm worried that the herds really struggled this past winter. A wet spring would help but not if it continues in the form of snow. Those animals need a break.