so i got a question for ya'll

ok so i been tryn to draw a good tattoo to get . i drew one thats lookn good but it looks like its missn something. so my question is do any of you have any suggestions to make it better?- thanks - COBuck
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haha i forgot to add the picture. bare with me it says its to big ](*,)
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here it is
not bad.
maybe take the antlers off of the sides of the cross so you can give it a good spread. then take away the crab claw front forks and replace them with big deep forks.after all- if your going to put it on you, it might as well be a BIG buck, right?
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The wings look great, and Killerbee has got a point as the the placement of the antlers on the side of the upper part of the cross. That would add a little width and make it look a little less cluttered at the top. Speaking as a man that is totally covered in tattoos (my wife is a tattoo artist) I really dig the idea!
Again, not a bad start my friend. I agree with Killer but also wonder where on your body you plan on getting the tattoo? That will also make a difference on how you want it laid out, how much area you want to cover, etc.

I also have more ink than I care to divulge with about 50% covered and still workin' on it. This is something else I'd like you to think about....future employment! Please think about were you are getting the tattoo. I know, they are more and more common every day. That doesn't mean you won't walk into a job interview some day and your prospective employeer sees the tattoo and decides for him/herself that you are not the "type" for his company. It sucks but you cannot get another 1st impression. As a manager and second in command of my current company, I can tell you that I will not hire someone with tattoos on their neck, face, or head. I cannot have them representing my company that way. Just the way it is.

Again, I have extensive work done myself and am continueing to get work done. However, You would never know unless you go swimming with me. 90% of mine are easily concealed when I'm dressed. As much as I LOVE my ink, I get it for ME....not to look cool. Every design on my body means something to me, marks a significant event, pays hommage to something or someone, or has some other significant meaning to me. It's a free country bud and you are welcome to get what you want, where you want...but just keep the above in mind.

Good luck my friend and is ADDICTIVE AS HECK!!!!!
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Dittos on the above about placement. Face, neck and hands = never ending job stopper. If this is your first go round with tattooing watch out because it is addictive, but I love it and never regret getting started.
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thanks for all the advice guys! and im thinkn bout getn it on my back between my shoulder blades
I've got a cross with a rose and heart intertwined with a small banner across the heart with a very significant date in the banner and other very significant dates on either side of the cross. You might want to think somewhere along those lines.

The cross, rose and heart each mean something important to me as much as each of the dates.

And I'll second or third or fourth being able to cover up the tat. I wouldn't have the job I do now if it was on my neck, face, ear, nose, hands, etc. I know you said you will have it on your back but it is amazing how these things tend to branch out on their own!

One last word of advice: The ONLY names you ever have tatooed on your body are blood relatives and pets...period. I once had this wife who wanted me to have her name on my arm. Let's just say it was a very good thing I never did it.